Alain Jehlen, a writer and editor for National Education Association, analyses the No Child Left Behind Act in her article, NCLB: Is It Working?: The Scientifically Based Answer. According to Jehlen, the No Child Left Behind statistics are wrong because analyst use a certain technique called Campbell’s Law to show the drastic improvement in low-income students’ test scores. Jehlen describes that with Campbell’s Law, “Scores always rise when you put high stakes on a particular test, whether or not students actually know more.”…
In Kandice Sumner’s Ted Talk, “How America’s Public Schools Keep Kids in Poverty”, she composes a well-constructed argument, concerning the issue of improperly and unequally distributed funding and resources to schools. Specifically, schools that are in low income and increased “colored” areas. Although I agree with her point of view that there should be a more structured and equally supplied school budget with necessary resources, I do not believe that the inequality is targeted to students of color and poverty –stricken areas. Growing up in a lower-economic and social class area, Ms. Sumner has the experience to speak for her community in saying that, “Because of this lack of wealth, we lived in a neighborhood that lacked wealth, and henceforth…
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 required each state to develop it’s own testing program in Math and English. There federal fundings are affected by the students performance on these exams and are expected to demonstrate grade level or higher performance. The NCLB was not only created to demonstrate grade level or higher performance by students but also to help out students who are in poverty. When Rose began to talk about this at he states “ One undeniable value of NCLB is that it casts a bright light on those underserved populations of students who get lost in average measures of performance”(47). In which he meant that poverty and NCLB are linked together because many students before the act were not reaching the sufficient amount of help.…
Over the past several decades, a disparity in the achievement of low-income schools and high-income schools has slowly hurt the United States. As someone who experienced life near a neighborhood that featured low-income schools, their situation becomes more understandable. The economically disadvantaged students in low-income schools are frequent victims of an issue that has plagued the United States for many years. In these schools, they are presented with many disadvantages that hurt their futures and wastes taxpayer money.…
The No Child Left Behind Act is introduced as a federal legislation act that is affecting primary and secondary education. Under this act, it is required that all student take a test to measure their basic skills. Teachers are pressure to implement the curriculum and make sure all students pass the standardized test. By providing a standardized test, the NASW argues that not all students’ needs are being meet and that by focusing on passing the test schools are ignoring individual student needs. Personal View…
In the article, Do we need an assessment overhaul? Jay McTighe discusses how assessment in the United States is deeply flawed and needs to be changed. In 2011 when McTighe wrote the article, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was in its tenth year. NCLB is a federal statute that has required annual state testing in order to determine the success of local schools. The scores for each school are then published which was supposed to lead to heightened accountability between schools and districts and show which schools were lacking or failing to meet “adequate yearly progress”.…
Purpose Statement The purpose of this paper is to examine the no child left behind policy and the effect it has on children. NCLB policy was passed by congress with an overwhelming bipartisan support in 2001 and was signed into law by President George W. Bush on Jan. 8, 2002 (Education Week; April 10, 2015). This policy targets children in elementary and secondary school higher learning. This paper will outline the framework and issues of NCLB having on children while in communities.…
The IASA increased efforts to analyze the scores of students in disadvantaged communities; however, it provided no real consequences for schools that were underperforming. To further enforce increased education efforts and to provide the enforcing repercussions that the IASA lacked, President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2001. The act combines the goals of the ESEA and the IASA while also dealing consequences to schools that failed to meet the proposed goals. The act entails that school funding for low income districts increase in exchange for higher academic progress as recorded by annual test scores. States are to be in charge of enforcing these ideals, and for schools who fail to meet requirements, federal NCLB funds are not given.…
The widening achievement gap seen between student subgroups in education has resulted in race-neutral policies formulated to address the underperformance in schools. In the last decade, significant steps have been taken by the government to warrant equal education and opportunities for students nationwide, regardless of race. On January 8, 2002, President George W. Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001. The NCLB is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that President Lyndon B. Johnson passed in 1965 as part of his “War on Poverty.” The new bill tackles the performance gap between the “traditionally underserved and vulnerable students and their peers” (Elementary and Secondary Education…
Public schools have to confront the challenges that they face when they go into poverty. These types of schools have to fend for themselves as they have been left behind by the school system. Schools are lacking in resources and so the students are also left behind as well. They are stuck with their outdated textbooks, and teachers have to pay for school supplies out-of-pocket. As a result of this, teachers have to find a way to get students their supplies without having to spend too much.…
She states that standardized testing resulted from the No child left behind bill enacted by congress that aimed at ensuring that all children in America would attain free elementary education. Although the author was at the forefront of advocating for this system, she is now opposed to it. The testing system according to the author has been used as a means to close down schools and judge both performance of students and teachers without taking into account other factors. Ravitch states that this system requires that schools be given yearly-standardized exams to monitor the progress of the students. These tests are meant to show if students meet the adequate yearly progress goals.…
For a multitude of years educational reform has been a large focus of much debate. Many believe that it is time for a change in the school system because if there is not one, then it will corrupt today’s youth and leave this nation in the wrong hands. At the heart of controversy is the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and its effects on the school system. Many have come to the conclusion that No Child Left Behind needs to be eliminated, but some disagree on whether or not the NCLB’s implication of standardized testing is an accurate form of interpreting a student's learning. Many people believe that the No Child Left Behind act is damaging to the school systems.…
Forty-four states in the United States have adopted the Common Core State Standards Initiative; an educational initiative that sets standards for what is expected knowledge for each grade level, from kindergarten through high school. The program is intended to insure that educational standards are met by every student throughout compulsory schooling and that students are prepared to begin college courses or join the work force following their high school graduation. Common Core relies largely on standardized tests to gauge students’ understanding of English language arts and mathematics, with less focus on social studies and science. The program was first implemented in Kentucky, where it was modestly effective, and was subsequently adopted…
American culture expected that the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 would resolve the developing issue of student's test scores all through the country. There was a developing worry about American student’s capacity to be aggressive in the worldwide marketplace powered by the apparent low levels of students accomplishments both on national and international evaluations. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 looked to address these worries, and it obliged states to build up elevated requirements for students, test student authority of those principles in third to eighth grade and secondary school, and set up agreements for schools and districts that neglect to meet yearly objectives for students and specific collections of students. In any case,…
Standards such as Common Core highlight the disparity between socioeconomic statuses however; they do not provide tools to close the gap. Additionally, national standards naturally lead to a national standardized test and a national curriculum. National Standards create a financial drain on school systems and state educational budgets. Educational businesses that provide professional development, create curriculum, write textbooks, and create standardized tests stand to gain financially. Students will lose specialized instructional staff and educationally opportunities in the arts, STEM, physical education, and other areas not specifically linked to the standards.…