Anybody with grief must endure emotionally and physically effects that can take total custody of one’s overall health. Suffering is a brutal experience and can be a long and agonizing ordeal that requires strength to overcome. Many individuals fail to overcome hardships when the means of strength are scarce. Hence, Connie was a fifth grader that was subjected to mocking and abuse by her classmates until her only option was her mother’s aide in the candy ritual in the pursuit of peer acceptance (Murphy 381-385). Similarly, Angelou was a small child who was subjected to prejudice and was refused treatment in her town which prolonged and compounded her tooth pain leading to her facial swelling (Angelou 386-389). Gita Mehta writes “After all, there was no shortage of food in the Famine of Bengal”. “It must be hard to be hungry when food is plentiful” (522). The situation is ironic in that three million people in Bengal starved to death as the black marketeering and businesses thrived (Mehta 521-523). One must become aware of the suffering caused by starvation, and become a part of the resolution to offer help to all diverse neighbors and communities. Most suffering is not beyond control and must not be associated with lack of food, or the inability to accept cultural differences. Thus, volunteering in a soup kitchen or donating goods to the food bank can insure that the enormous estimates of people that go to bed hungry decrease. Making conscious decisions when purchasing food, especially perishables and buy only what will be used. Implementing actions to guarantee a decrease in culture animosity and food waste that lead to hardship and landfills as opposed to nurturing and feeding the
Anybody with grief must endure emotionally and physically effects that can take total custody of one’s overall health. Suffering is a brutal experience and can be a long and agonizing ordeal that requires strength to overcome. Many individuals fail to overcome hardships when the means of strength are scarce. Hence, Connie was a fifth grader that was subjected to mocking and abuse by her classmates until her only option was her mother’s aide in the candy ritual in the pursuit of peer acceptance (Murphy 381-385). Similarly, Angelou was a small child who was subjected to prejudice and was refused treatment in her town which prolonged and compounded her tooth pain leading to her facial swelling (Angelou 386-389). Gita Mehta writes “After all, there was no shortage of food in the Famine of Bengal”. “It must be hard to be hungry when food is plentiful” (522). The situation is ironic in that three million people in Bengal starved to death as the black marketeering and businesses thrived (Mehta 521-523). One must become aware of the suffering caused by starvation, and become a part of the resolution to offer help to all diverse neighbors and communities. Most suffering is not beyond control and must not be associated with lack of food, or the inability to accept cultural differences. Thus, volunteering in a soup kitchen or donating goods to the food bank can insure that the enormous estimates of people that go to bed hungry decrease. Making conscious decisions when purchasing food, especially perishables and buy only what will be used. Implementing actions to guarantee a decrease in culture animosity and food waste that lead to hardship and landfills as opposed to nurturing and feeding the