The Theme Of Dystopian In Bethany Wiggins's Stung

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Bethany Wiggins in the book “Stung,” gives us a story about a character in an environment where not all people are treated equal and are outcasted and secured because of their irregular characteristics. When the character is held captive in a camp, a leader realizes a chance to help the main character because he does not have the same view and does not see her as a threat.
Instead of following orders he takes the chance because of what's right. A theme for this dystopian could be, Instead of treating differences with violence readers should help and trust each other.

Early on in the story, backing up the theme, When the character is held captive as a prisoner by a man referred to as Bowen, Bowen releases this is not where she belongs.
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So, Bowen makes a brave decision to save her. He wakes her up on night and when she asks why leave the camp he responds “I can't protect you from the camp. Where going out on our own” (Wiggins 109). The camp is dangerous and he wants to save her before anything bad happens. This “Rogue” (Wiggins 109) Choice or judgment shows major willingness to help because even though he has nothing to gain he realises what is right to keep her alive.

The theme for trust is shown in the scene where the two are hiding out of camp and about to sleep when Bowen makes an unexpected move. When he held her captive he cuffed her to keep her from escaping or causing harm. Instead of restraining her he “Shrugs and lies on the cool cement floor” (Wiggins 134). But he does not and when she asks him why not he told her “No, I trust you” (Wiggins 134). Bowen has learned that she will not hurt him and he should go against his normal routine. This feature of trust in her explains why he would not cuff her up even if she is
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Also, people should be contained and not given freedoms that others have, like in “Stung” where the so called “Fecs” (wiggins 46) are held in a camp where they do not control their fate. On the other hand, people should care and help them because treating people that way can lead to violence and disturbance. In the story bowen saves the main character by escaping after some violence in the place she was cept. It was good for her to escape with bowen because he says that he cannot “protect you from the camp” (wiggins 109). This shows why they were escaping and how important it was to escape for her safety. Also, the main character did not seem like she would turn into a beast and bowen realized this and made the decision because she could be badly hurt or killed for this.

The world is facing many problems with violence and mistreatment toward others. Imagine a world where there was no discrimination because of differences and people treated each other equally and with trust and care. The book “stung” helps by showing a simple example of someone helping someone different from him and how it made a big difference. He saves and trusts her in the story to keep her alive. This is a call to treat all humans kindly and with trust and a call to be answered by carrying this out in the

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