Throughout “The Most Dangerous Game”, Connell uses foreshadowing to show that Rainsford shifts from a person who cares for humans to someone who constitutes a killer using characterization. After General Zaroff, a hunter of humans, tells Rainsford that he hunts humans, Rainsford says, "Hunting? Great Guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder." (Connell 251). Rainsford changes dramatically throughout the story into someone who does not care for human life. After Rainsford surprises the general in his bedroom and goes on to murder General Zaroff the narrator tells us “He had …show more content…
When Montresor and Fortunato trek through the catacombs to get to the wine they toast and Montresor says, “And I to your long life”. (Poe 9). Fortunato will be killed later that night and by Montresor saying “And I to your long life” foreshadows Montresor’s diabolical plan. Furthermore, Montresor is fiendish because he shows Fortunato the trowel he will be using to brick Fortunato into a cell; “It is this,’ I answered, producing from beneath the folds of my roquelaire a trowel”.(Poe 10). Fortunato’s obliviousness to the fact that Montresor was going to murder him foreshadows Montresor’s cunning plan to execute Fortunato’s death. Poe characterizes Montresor as cunning with the use of foreshadowing because by showing the murder weapon to Fortunato, Montresor’s plans are alluded