In order to force blacks into the hands of whites in need of cheap labor, they created the vagrancy law. The vagrancy law made it illegal for a person of color to be unemployed. If they were caught they could be thrown in prison and sentenced harsh time along with expensive fines. As an alternative option, instead of residing in prison white masters would offer to pay poor blacks fines and in return they would have to come work on their land to pay off their debt. Because a pay wage wasn 't established, they were often paid little to nothing. Therefore, blacks were enslaved by their debt to white masters for an extensive amount of time. Black codes were laws enacted after the Civil War. Its main purpose was to keep slavery alive and blacks inferior to the white supremacy, while the 13th Amendment allegedly eliminated it. It denied blacks from having any other occupation besides farming or a servant. Because these jobs were low paying jobs, it ensured that blacks would not leave the poor economic barrier that white supremacy had embedded them in since …show more content…
For example ALEC (America Legislative Exchange Council). According to , ALEC is a “nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators dedicated to the principles of limited government, free markets and federalism.” In reality ALEC is an organization that manipulates laws and create laws so their members can profit from those laws. Their memberships are made up of business such as AT&T and ExxonMobil. ALEC even profited off the tough on crime bill. The tough on crime bill gave 8.7 million dollars to build and operate new prisons. This allowed members of ALEC to create new contracts to gain revenue off of prisons. Rather they were buying cheap labor or selling their goods to the prisons, they increased their profits. This act just gave Greedy America another motive to keep prisons cells full. Blacks have been abuse, misused, and impoverish by the justice system and white supremacy since forever. They have destroyed homes and lives just to make a profit off blacks. America portrays its-self as the land of the free but enslaves thousands of its own natural born citizens ever year. America says that slavery is immoral and dehumanize, but yet they promote it every way they can. In my opinion America is just a country built on