Language Of Art

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The Language of Art: How to Prosper in the Creative World

As the wise Henry David Thoreau once stated, “This world is but a canvas to our imagination. Thoreau, a non-conformist similar to myself, understood the means it took to separate oneself from society’s standards and restraints in order to be individually successful. Throughout my life, I have seen the difficulties an artist must endure in order to be successful in the typical sense. However, I have also learned that success can come in many different forms and can be attained through many different methods. This work you are reading is a different type of art for me. It is the art of wisdom I have obtained throughout my life and now have the opportunity to share with a new generation
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The standard level of education offered does not adequately fit the potential growth and support that could be offered to young artists looking for guidance. “[In my time in the United States I have realized that]…performers in the U.S. really have to figure out how to survive, how to refine their talent without much support from the government. And don’t get me started on the lack of support for arts education in the U.S. (Baryshnikov qtd. in Beard).” I believe that art education is severely underfunded in comparison to the contribution it has upon an individual’s life. Art has shaped my life to not only be filled with success, but also with a gratitude for creativity and a passion for inspiring others. Why is there such a push to expand education in the STEM fields, yet many schools are eliminating art programs completely? The future artists of our country can have just as great an impact as the future engineers. Art education does not just include the realm of dance. Art extends to a much broader world that some may not even consider including scientists, filmmakers, inventors, etc. (Baryshnikov). The development of talent in any field requires education. Education on the basics of a subject, the way one should practice, the progression of a career, etc. If some fields of art education are not even offered, our country could quite possibly be missing out on the next big …show more content…
With opportunity comes responsibility…responsibility for an individual to seek and find education in their specific area of interest. It is also imperative that an artist find a learning environment that captures both their personal needs as well as the collaborative nature that comes with working in the art industry. “Any place that provides a common ground for artists to learn from one another is a good thing (Baryshnikov qtd. in Beard).” Even though blending ideas is an imperative part of artistic education, a cohesive learning experience will only be established if it is sought out by the student. Throughout my experiences, I have seen that a student showing an interest in knowledge is the most impressive quality to a mentor or peer. Drive and determination on both sides will help develop any artistic relationship into a stronger and more beneficial one. The initiative to learn a new skill cannot simply come from finding an opportunity; initiative must come from within the individual (“Mikhail”). Far too many people in this world are scared to fail. The irony is fear leads to failure…failure in overcoming fear to accomplish a great feat. If I had been scared to fail at any one of the many bold choices I have made throughout life thus far, I would not have nearly the success that I do today. At the time we decide to let fear conquer us, we do not know the great accomplishment that may come

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