Women all over the world are told what to do the moment they are born, “You will marry a certain man, become pregnant and take care of the home”. But what if that is not what they want for themselves. In India there are only 858 girls born for every 1,000 boys (Gierstorfer), and why is that? Sex-Select abortion is …show more content…
A choice that as Eduardo Porter explores in his New York Times article, is the reason for a wage gap between men and women. Women are paid unequally for just being women! It is the twenty first century and that is what is at the center of the workforce. Not only are women paid on average seventy- nine cents to the man’s dollar, that money isn’t reimbursed in any way. There is no guaranteed paid maternity leave in the United States of America. America who constantly puts down other countries for the way they treat women, can’t guarantee paid maternity leave. Countries like Russia, China and India all have maternity leave that are not only longer than the 12 weeks of leave granted by the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, but are also