Video games actually help people learn, as stated in the article “Violent video games: Good for the brain?” by Herald-Tribune indicates how violent video games help you learn,“The reason is that the games help people learn, even those who aren’t regular players” (Tribune). This clearly shows how violent video games help people learn because the article clearly states it. Also Violent video games actually help people learn because they can learn hand-eye-coordination. People who have good hand-eye-coordination are really good at sports, they can receive a ball at very fast speeds, or maybe they can swing at bat at a very quick speed. Also people with good hand-eye-coordination can save themselves and bad situations, maybe in a robbery people would be able to quickly defend themselves. Overall this shows how violent video games can help people learn. Also, there is very very limited research showing how or why violent video games are harmful to children or adults. In the website, “Game Designing” it shows how there is very limited research showing why or how violent video games are harmful. The author suggests, “While there still isn’t enough evidence to offer a solid answer” (Game Designing). This quote from the text shows how violent video games are not bad because it says how there is still not a solid answer to show that violent video games are bad. This shows how violent video games show very limited research showing how or why violent video games are bad for children or adults. Although, people who do crazy or uncalled for things usually already have aggressive thoughts or act aggressively. …show more content…
In the article, “Why Playing Video Games Can Actually Be Good for Your Health” by Tessa Berenson, it shows how people already have aggressive behavior. The article states, “real sense of optimism in our abilities and our opportunities to get better and succeed, and more physical and mental energy to engage with difficult problems” (Berenson). This shows how people already act aggressive because she says how people how people may have mental problems. People with mental problems cannot help how they act, whether they act aggressively or not. Overall this evidence shows how people already have aggressive thoughts or act aggressively. Some say that video games are a sign of the evolution of technology. Some say that people became violent and distant thanks to video games. Despite these opinions, video games only exist to provide entertainment for all people. The article “Playing violent Video Games Doesn't Necessarily Make You a Bad Person, Study Suggests” by Ian Johnston explains how violent video games might be bad by stating “The scientists cautioned that more research was needed into the long-term effects of video games” (Johnston). This evidence can show how violent video games can