The Importance Of The Texas Legislature

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The Texas Legislature is the most significant representative institution within the whole state. It is also the most powerful out of the three branches of government. The Texas Legislature consists of a bicameral body that is organized of one hundred and fifty House of Representatives members and of thirty-one Senate members. The House of Representatives has a chief presiding officer that is known as the Speaker of the house. Speaker of the house is one of the individuals that has a powerful political figure within the state. The Senate has a presiding officer that is known as the Lieutenant governor. The Lieutenant governor’s main purpose is to serve the Senate’s president. In order to work for either the house of representatives or the senate, …show more content…
He or she may introduce the bill towards their chamber, House of Representatives or Senate,in which both chambers consist of the same bill process. It if it’s a revenue bill it has to be introduced first to the House of Representatives. In the House of Representatives, the state of representative is the only one that may file the bill towards the chief clerk of the House of Representatives. The house has rules of the bill procedures in which allow the introduction of bills for each regular session in the first sixty calendar days. Once the sixty days deadline is met, the introduction of any bill or any emergency matters, in which are submitted only by the governor, need the approval of four-fifths of the House of Representatives members. In order to introduce a bill in the Senate, the senator needs to file a specific amount of copies of the certain bill with the secretary of state. The Senate has the same rules of the bill procedure that consist in the House of Representatives. (Guide to Texas Legislative Information (Revised).) Due to the Texas Constitution, a bill is required to be read carefully three times. ( Governing Texas, Pg. …show more content…
In the referral, a short caption and a brief description of the bill is read out loud towards both chambers. The bill is read out loud to both chambers that are in sessions, this is known as the first reading. (Governing The Lone Star State) The bill is appointed towards the standing committee by the speaker of the house. In the Senate, the bill is designated towards a committee or subcommittee by the lieutenant governor. The committee can either determine to go further with the bill or completely get rid of it.(Governing Texas, Pg.

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