A certain aspect in program Exploration was called the "A-Club", in which some of the more promising employees were asked to join. Program Exploration offers the A-club events that include visiting other clinics as well as …show more content…
This theory is seen to be the only theory that separates the motivators from the demotivators(2). Negative psychological demotivators are utilized in Program Exploration, and basic emotional manipulation is harnessed to increase the professional and personal growth needed within the company. This tactic may give a good ego boost to the person who doles it out, yet does nothing to motivate those who receive it(1). As for the positive motivators offered, that would be nearly any incentive, such as a good salary and benefits, both of which was offered to employees at Western Health System, regardless of A-Club status or lack thereof. The program Exploration actually did tap into this method by using the elevated status of certain managers, along with all the rewards within it to positively motivate the managers to work harder, in order to be invited into the A-Club. Both theories have their plus sides and pitfalls, but each works in it 's own way to shape the contentment of the …show more content…
Providing incentives, recognizing achievements, and soliciting employee input(3) being the most notable. Incentives included good salaries and benefits and was a factor for all managers, not just those elevated to the A-Club, while those invited to the A-Club were both examples of a recognized achievement within the organization, and as touched upon earlier, given the option to give their own input to the head leadership.
This case study did not offer the same motivation for those invited within the A-Club to those left out of it. While the program would be very effective for the managers who were included, strong motivational theories to strengthen them, it would prove most harmful to anyone else, otherwise. In the end, to be given the power to shape their job environment and other rewards for performance acts as a heavy motivator, it does not do anything for the other employees that have been discluded from the A-Club and overall harming the