Poverty In Guatemala

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Four American men are going to a rural area in Guatemala for the summer living off one dollar a day. They’re motivated to take this challenge because 1.1 billion people around the world live off one dollar a day. Guatemala goes through severe poverty. Workers in Guatemala never know when they’ll get paid, while the kids in Guatemala can’t go to school because they work to provide more money for their family. If you lose everything you have here, you have nothing. Americans however, live off 109 dollars every three days. Workers in America know when they’ll get paid, and kids don’t have to worry about getting a job most likely until they’re 16, or don’t even have to get a job at all. Compared to Guatemalans, Americans are spoiled and don’t appreciate …show more content…
On a daily basis, you will hear one American complain about going to work. Guatemalans will work all day everyday never knowing when they get paid. Americans have a signed day that they get paid, and if they don’t get paid the business that they work for can get in trouble. Every single person in the United States has the chance to go to college to work for a degree, and they’re able to follow their dreams. Then, Guatemalans can’t do that. Not only can they not afford it, they are too busy working to survive. The documentary, Living on One Dollar, showed that the Guatemalans would kill to be able to follow their dreams. Attending schools there is impossible, therefore they don’t have the best jobs. In able to start a business in Guatemala, you must take out a lot of loans. Americans do the same thing, but they don’t have to be worried on the price. Guatemalans would die to have jobs that are offered to …show more content…
Kids in America are growing up asking if their parents will pay for something for them. I believe that kids in America are more spoiled than they think they are. Growing up, your parents are most likely to buy you everything, pay for your schooling, and car. Kids aren’t growing up not knowing the responsibility of paying for things by themselves. Not only this, but also so many people quit their jobs just because they don’t like them, not because they don’t feel like attending their job. You want a job that makes you happy, not something to complain about everyday. Another thing is nutrition. Americans have a lot to offer in the food place, so there in take is that they’re not taking advantage of it, they’re taking a lot of it so it doesn’t end up being a waste. Americans have more food than you could ever imagine. Lastly, the employment on Americans standpoint does not get taken advantage of. Job opportunities in the US are super high compared to other countries. Other countries like Mexico, try to get into America to find a job. After this documentary, Americans are spoiled more than anyone else in this

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