These problems included under pay, long work hours, and poor living standards. To show the general public the horrific living standards of migrant workers, in 1962 CBS aired a documentary called “Harvest of Shame” (Kenneth 842). One grower even said, “We used to own our slaves; now we just rent them.” (Southern farmer 842). The documentary caused an outcry from the American people who called for better living conditions for these workers. The Migrant Health Act was passed, which gave basic health services to migrant workers. At the same time Cesar Chavez was spreading awareness for the same problems. Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association to fight for farm workers rights. (Ministry par 17). This organization still exists today and is known as the United Farm …show more content…
It has been discussed during the presidential debates and the solutions to this problem is often viewed different ways. One solution that has been proposed is to deport all illegal immigrants. This may seem like a practical solution, but when you break it down it poses many problems. For example, there would be a large void of agricultural workers that would be needed to be filled immediately. Another solution to the problem is the AgJOBS Bill. The AgJOBS Bill proposes to grant permanent residence if migrant workers have worked a certain number of years. (Triplett 832) With new gained legal status workers would stand up for their rights. (Triplett