Poverty Inc Film Analysis

Superior Essays
Give a man a fish, he eats for the night, teach a man how to fish and he eats forever. Earth is home to 7.4 billion people -- of those 7.4 billion people more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day (UNDP). More than 1.3 billion people live on $1.25 a day; or in other words, extreme poverty (UNDP). Poverty is a worldwide hurdle that nobody has yet to knockdown. Poverty, Inc. is a film that shows the untold impacts of foreign aid; moreover, how America, NGO’s (non-governmental organization) and the United Nations are hindering/crippling those they provide aid for; such as, clothes, food, etc. Throughout this film, they use three key tools to deploy their message and persuade the audience into taking action: visuals, speech and sounds. …show more content…
We, as human-beings, listen and believe what our eyes tell us. Poverty, Inc., displays many things to its’ audience; such as: charts/illustrated examples, CNN breaking news headline, poor people, slums, shack towns, kids in orphanages, large emblems from government and non-government organizations on all of their products and time lapses of these organizations and countries who are using the same broken strategy throughout history and displaying how they do nothing but hurt the people affected by their help. With these countless amount of visuals being seen before your eyes, how could you not believe them? It’s giving credibility to what the interviewees are trying to tell you. This supports my thesis by displaying how knowledge of knowing and seeing everything results in …show more content…
All three of these tools are important because they all give a message texture and are needed to move people into feeling a different way. Without either one of these tools, one cannot get a deep in-depth point/movement started. A movement needs attitude, speech, visuals and sound are what make up attitude. Through the use of speech, visuals and sound I learned the harmful effects of government and non-government help on the impoverished countries we lend a hand to. This will help me better understand how to articulate an effective message and what an effective message looks and sounds like. Everyone needs help getting up off the ground but we cannot walk for them. There comes a time when we need to worry solely upon ourselves and let these nations either sink or swim with knowledge and tools that we provide them with. We all go through struggles but to get out of those struggles we reached out for

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