The creation of factories across different countries displaced thousands from their homes. While many argue that they provided capital by creating jobs, it also left thousands of unskilled workers in the United States jobless. The pay rate compared to any other job, was the lowest in the world. Although the workers would work endlessly their pay was merely enough to survive. Although the jobs were categorized as “unskilled” the type of intense labor that was put into the products resulted in severe health consequences, yet, the workers never received medical help or better working conditions. Most importantly, these factories seek to target the weak, fearful and those who needed the jobs the most, the …show more content…
The fear that was embellished among women, the dehumanization as well as inability to organize and protest is what made these factories more powerful all for the benefit of the rich who fed off the poor. The global assembly line film raises the question, que es la democracia, what is democracy? This democracy that feeds off the poor with the vision of the capitalist society who only seeks profit for the rich. Those who open their eyes to the working conditions are fired, beaten or killed. These issues occur everyday and have been present in our history for many year. From women exploited in maquiladoras to undocumented workers exploited in the fields, it is a cross culture contrast that seems to never end. These assembly lines still exist and are a reflection of our society, our classification of third world countries and “unskilled” workers is what makes other countries thrive far more than others. We continue to exploit those we believe to be weak such as undocumented, foreigners, the poor and women without seeing that we are all human instead of focusing on the