The Importance Of Gene Therapy

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Even though gene therapy has existed for a while, its acceptance has been slower than most people had anticipated. This is regardless of the fact that this therapy is helpful in curing terminal diseases like cancer. These six sources provide me with different perspectives that will allow me to support the thesis of my paper and has given me an insight on the issue of gene therapy. It is clear that gene therapy has not received the attention it deserves mostly because of ethical and economic issues that have arisen over time. It is therefore, important to look further at the ethical and economic issues that have triggered slower acceptance of gene therapy.
Danquah, Michael K. and Ram I. Mahato. “Emerging Trends in Cell and Gene Therapy.” Springer
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The authors argue that gene and cell therapies are promising procedures for managing developed and genetic illnesses. Currently, various ethical issues and biological barriers have restricted their clinical interpretation.
This book is important in informing the audience on the currently position of gene therapy especially to experts who are trying to ensure that gene therapy becomes successful. Being successful involves it being in a position to help people who are struggling with acquired or inherited diseases. This source will help me build my argument in the reason why gene therapy has not received the much-expected attention. The book also offers an insight on what gene therapy is all about, so it can also serve as a very good introduction.
Gancberg, David, and Ruxandra Draghia-Akli. “Gene and Cell Therapy Funding Opportunities in Horizon 2020: An Overview for 2014–2015.” Human Gene Therapy 25.3 (2014): 175–177. PMC. Web. 28 Apr.
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According to the authors, gene therapy is one of the most costly treatments, which only a few people can afford. This mode of treatment was approved in 2012 in Europe and costs about 1 million dollars; prices are projected to be the same in the US. The author claims that this therapy is mostly used to treat rare genetic illnesses such as hemophilia, sickle cell, or immune deficiency. Its high cost arises from the projected value; distinct from drugs that a patient takes frequently, gene therapy is structured to be administered only one time and have long-term

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