The Negative Effects Of Genetic Engineering

Improved Essays
Genetic Engineering

Throughout history, humans experience many changes whether it is good or bad. Some of these changes can bring issues into the world. One of these “issues” that humans know today is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is one of the well known creations known to man kind. However people believe that this creation of alternating Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) can have its negative effects just as it has it positive effects.(“Genetic engineering of animals”). Genetic Engineering was intended only to modify the genetic makeup of someone or something. (“What Is Genetic Engineering?”). But it is believed that one day the overuse of genetic engineering can lead to a serious epidemic. The controversy of modifying a gene
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(“Genetic Engineering”). With the introduction to this new technique scientists were able to benefit the entire world. For example, in the world of agriculture scientists used genetic engineering to make plants and crops resistant to herbicides and pests. (“Genetically Modified Food: Pros and Cons”). Plants that are not genetically engineered and are exposed to herbicides and pests are likely to die meaning that products will be low and when the products is low the food production will decrease thus cause a decrease in population because food is necessary for survival. The plants that are genetically engineered are also made to last longer, appear fresher, and survive the journey of shipping the crops to a certain supermarket. Another example of genetic engineering put into use is on animals such as horses are cross breed in order to produce strong race horses. A pig is another animal that is modified through genetic engineering in order to produce less fat. Animals are modified again to increase production and reduce the cost of farmers. ( “Redesigning the World – Ethical Questions About Genetic Engineering”). Genetic engineering is also used to study the DNA of humans as well. Scientists study the genetic expressions of a developing disease. If they …show more content…
(“Playing Ecological Roulette with Mother Nature’s Designs”). One major risk that genetic engineered plants can cause is not having the ability to become weeds or pests themselves and the crops that are genetically engineered can lack vitamins, proteins, and other necessary things that are needed for human being who consumes the product and it can also affect the human body as well because genetic material can enter the human body through food, bacteria, viruses, vaccines, medications. (“Redesigning the World – Ethical Questions About Genetic Engineering”). Another risks is that if animals are constantly modified there is a risk of biodiversity thus leading to the worst thing of all the extinction of the certain animal. Besides extinction it could also cause a disruption in the environment since it was created on that certain “balance” that keeps everything in place. The risks can cause great controversy and people start to question is genetic engineering actually good or can it lead to a major source of

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