Genetic Engineering Brave New World Essay

Superior Essays
Genetic engineering has the potential to be used to improve food, plants, humans, and drugs. Although genetic engineering could create major problems dealing with ethics and defects due to insufficient knowledge, it also opens doorways to extending and bettering mankind’s existence. Genetic engineering is off to a rough start, with many people thinking of it as unethical and unimaginable, but more research is done on it every day so that in the future we can use it for our benefit.
Genetic engineering can help reduce the negative impact humans have on the environment with pesticides, so that the earth can be habitable for longer. With genetic engineering, it is possible to alter plant DNA to naturally have certain characteristics that “will
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Genetic engineering isn’t perfect no matter how much knowledge there is about it, but it still has huge benefits to life on earth. In today’s society we don't have enough knowledge or research done on it, so we can’t move much further with it yet. In Brave New World, there is plenty of knowledge on it, but the knowledge is just used in the wrong way. The public nowadays isn’t at all ready for technology of such a high controversy, without even mentioning that “these technologies pose special challenges. They are very new”(Hayes, Richard). All of the facts needed to convince the people of today’s world to genetically engineer their own child aren’t quite here yet, and that in itself is a huge problem. Also people logically will tend to have fears when someone is going to alter their future child in a lab. Unpleasant thoughts are the first thing that comes to mind, and it is understandable to be scared of “Putting our trust in commercial markets...would unleash a genetic enhancement rat race that could never be contained.”(Hayes, Richard). People keep on wanting more and more, and it can eventually turn into a bad cycle of genetically enhanced people that is irreversible. In Brave New World, a huge problem with the genetic engineering is that the people can’t make decisions concerning their own fate and this causes a huge lack of diversity in the population. The population thinks they’re happy but really the government is just “making people like their unescapable social destiny” (Huxley, Aldous). All it takes for things to go wrong, is for one person to come and make everyone realize what is actually going on. Using genetic engineering on people before they are born and without their say in it will eventually make the people question what their life really consists of. Another problem with everyone being put in a place that

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