Arguments Against Genetic Engineering

Superior Essays
The twenty-first century truly is an age of rapidly expanding technology that has reached into the field of genetics. When it comes to genetic engineering, a relatively new field, more and more new methods of modification are being discovered that will lead to better, safer, and/or easier genetic engineering. With the advancements that continually take place, it no longer seems far fetched to manipulate a species to any specification, or possibly creating a completely new one all together. Many have diversified opinions over genetic engineering, which has resulted in the field becoming such a controversial social issue.
The history of genetic modification purposely caused by humans dates back as far as 12,000 BC. Since the domestication of
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While some people have real scientific arguments and hope that this field stays monitored, others seem to be against genetic engineering simply for religious reasons, misinformation, or general frenzy over the topic. There is religious opposition as some see genetic engineering as either a misuse of free will or “playing god”. They believe that purposefully changing a lifeform against natural selection is wrong. As there is no current way of knowing for certain whether there is or is not a creator these arguments will remain (Bowman). Those who are against genetic engineering for non-religious reasons bring many arguments, but the main one would be that genetic engineering combats our dignity as a species. Most say that it is our natural relationship with evolution that binds us to who we are as a species, and when we start to genetically engineer other species or even ourselves that we are straying from the path of natural evolution, offending nature. However, the counterpoint to this argument is that nature does not judge the dignity of our species, and if anything using the technology that we were able to create as a species is actually dignifying to be able to help improve the lives of both regular people and the disabled (Union). Regular technologies like clothing and tools have been around as long as humans and have improved the way that we live as a species. The ethical and moral arguments have brought controversy over genetic engineering, and there will always be people for and against it as genetic engineering has many pros and cons (Yourgenome). Genetic engineering is accomplished using a variety of different techniques that can cause dramatic changes in the characteristics and natural makeup of the organism. There are an increasing number of benefits associated with genetic

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