What Is The Theme Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is a play that revolves around two characters who fall in love at first sight, but they have caught themselves in the midst of a family feud. They struggle to fix their lives together, which leads to a tragedy. Fate is a term which describes the reasoning of them being "star-cross'd lovers", as Shakespeare states, and that an event is destined to happen. Romeo and Juliet thoroughly express these predetermined courses of events. All throughout the play, fate has been alluded to for the reasons events occur. Romeo and Juliet were led to believe something, but fate chose otherwise. Their profound love for each other was just their misfortune that led to their tragedy. Romeo and Juliet were just victims of fate from incidents throughout the book involving Tybalt's belligerent nature and Friar Lawrence not being able to inform Romeo about a proposed course of action.
When Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, his audience consisted of the Elizabethans. These people during that time were taught that every incident, action, or event which occurred was
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They chose what they were going to do, and no uncontrollable factor could stop them from completing their goal was. Romeo had a scene with Juliet in which both of them spoke about their feelings where fate had no part in. According to Romeo and Juliet, ¨Lady, by yonder blessèd moon I vow...Do not swear at all. Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry, And I’ll believe thee¨ (Shakespeare II.II.107). Everything single word spoken from Romeo was his decision, and he chose how to express himself. When Romeo and Juliet gave their vows to each other, fate had no control of them not being able to speak through free will. While this remains true throughout parts of the story, fate had an overarching dominance as it was responsible for the major events resulting in the

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