Romeo And Juliet Turning Point Analysis

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THE CONTROLLING FORCE OF FATE Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare’s most notable works. Through Elizabethan theatre and elegant love poetry, Romeo and Juliet is a renowned fan favourite. The tragic tale talks about a pair of star-cross’d lovers who endure a tragedy of love-against-all-odds. The love of the couple must attempt to withstand the turmoil of fate. The main concept theme of Romeo and Juliet is the role of fate. Shakespeare wrote the play with the intention of a controlling force beyond human control. Proving that the play shows the power of fate has multiple paths by an individuals actions, however the outcome is always inevitable. The turning point of the play ultimately highlights the play’s reversal of fortune for the two lovers as Romeo’s love for Juliet prevents him from accepting Tybalt’s duel. Act III, Scene I marks the turning point of the play. In this scene: Mercutio and Tybalt’s death, Romeo’s banishment occur, respectively. The role of fate comes into play in many sections of the scene. The foremost act of fate is Tybalt’s challenge to Romeo via letter. “Tybalt, the kinsman to old Capulet,/ Hath sent a letter to his father’s house.” (2.4, 6-7). The reader comprehends Tybalt’s challenge was evoked due to Romeo being a Montague, leading back to the ancient quarrel of Capulet’s and Montague’s. …show more content…
In the Chorus, Shakespeare deliberately foretells the audience the denouement of Romeo and Juliet. This goes out of its way to explain that fate cannot be changed. Shakespeare evokes fate as an inevitable, threatening force. Which is used as a concept of the star-cross’d lovers mortality. Thus, proving that Romeo and Juliet is not a tale for the hopeless romantics, however for those to increase their comprehension that the ultimate path of their fate is destined by one’s actions, their rippling consequences and will always fall back into the hands of the greater

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