Elie in the novel Night,survived in the concentration camps until the end because he had his father by his side. Family is a person's backbone especially their parents. Everyone mostly depends on their parents more than the rest of their family because their parents raise them. Elie wanted to live so his father wouldn't be alone, he thought about how lonely his father would be without him. The text says, “He was running at my side,out of breath, at the end of his strength… I had no right to let myself die. What would he …show more content…
She wanted to make enough money for her mom,little brother and her stepfather to get new coats, more food and a tin roof. the only reason she didn't give up or become negative was because of her family or for her family. She endured many days of getting raped for her family to be able to have a better life in Nepal, which is a very strong and brave thing to do and takes a lot of courage. In Sold, Patricia McCormick wrote, “Your stepfather has said you must go to the city and earn your keep’ explained Ama...This news is like a tiny earthquake, shaking the very ground beneath my feet. And yet, for Ama, I stand firm’ ran through Lakshmi's mind” (48). Also, In Sold, Patricia wrote, “ If I go , you will have enough for rice and curds, milk and sugar. Enough for a coat for the baby and a sweater for you...for a tin roof” (49). This quote proves