Parenting And Cognitive Analysis

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Children require supervision twenty-four hours of the day, educational skills, emotional support, and so much more. Although parents supply a large portion of these needs, we as teachers are left to fill the gaps in students’ lives. Whether someone teaches two or ten year olds, you are a piece of the puzzle that complete individuals. Children look up to you for help with school work as well as support with some of life’s biggest challenges, such as friendship. With this being said, teachers undoubtingly serve children educationally, and also as a parental figure. Cognitive development is only a small portion of what it takes to raise I child. People are humans with thousands of emotions and reactions to daily events. Without the mentorship of others, children fail to understand how to handle their emotions in a safe and practical way. According to the theorist, Johann Pestalozzi, teachers are to care for the whole child, not only the intellectual aspect. (Essa, 2014, p.110) Therefore, Teachers offer themselves as a guide in the ever changing lives of children. When looking for direction children often reach out towards people they are comfortable with, including parents, family members, and teachers. Teachers of all ages spend multiple hours of the day with their children and learn the habits, quirks, and personalities of all the children they teach. This allows for personal direction similar to that of what parents provide. Even though teachers could never fill the role of parents, they serve children in a familiar way. When children are troubled teachers reach out to their children in order to look out for ways to help; such as, discipline, modifications, contacting parents, etc. Teachers also dedicate their lives by place their wellbeing aside when it comes to their children’s lives similar to that of a parental role. In the event of an intruder, fire, or even bullying teachers intervene and protect children based upon the needs of each individual situation. Parents would do anything in order to protect their children, just as a teacher would. Teachers are left with an enormous responsibility when it comes to protecting children. Many children may have disabilities or medical conditions that involve consistent care; however, teachers still treat these children with the up most respect and dedication. When looking at the parental role of teachers my mind immediately goes to the scheduling of the classroom. Every classroom has different scheduling based on personal interest, age groups, school policies, etc. However, for the most part teachers design their class scheduling for themselves. With …show more content…
As soon as children enter the classroom they immediately begin to assess their environment; teacher’s reactions are included in this environment. Something as simple as how a teacher greets their student can set the tone for the day to come. Often times teachers can become consumed in every day occurrences which is completely normal; although it is important to remember the mentorship, guidance, and impact teachers have on the developing pupils they are serving just by their actions alone. How you respond to stressful situations are being consistently observed by students whether teachers realize it or not. Children look out towards older individuals for insight on how they react to difficult situations in life. As observed by Jean Piaget, children learn from adapting to their environments; which includes using strategies observed by other individuals in the past. (Essa, 2014, p.

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