As soon as children enter the classroom they immediately begin to assess their environment; teacher’s reactions are included in this environment. Something as simple as how a teacher greets their student can set the tone for the day to come. Often times teachers can become consumed in every day occurrences which is completely normal; although it is important to remember the mentorship, guidance, and impact teachers have on the developing pupils they are serving just by their actions alone. How you respond to stressful situations are being consistently observed by students whether teachers realize it or not. Children look out towards older individuals for insight on how they react to difficult situations in life. As observed by Jean Piaget, children learn from adapting to their environments; which includes using strategies observed by other individuals in the past. (Essa, 2014, p.
As soon as children enter the classroom they immediately begin to assess their environment; teacher’s reactions are included in this environment. Something as simple as how a teacher greets their student can set the tone for the day to come. Often times teachers can become consumed in every day occurrences which is completely normal; although it is important to remember the mentorship, guidance, and impact teachers have on the developing pupils they are serving just by their actions alone. How you respond to stressful situations are being consistently observed by students whether teachers realize it or not. Children look out towards older individuals for insight on how they react to difficult situations in life. As observed by Jean Piaget, children learn from adapting to their environments; which includes using strategies observed by other individuals in the past. (Essa, 2014, p.