Effects Of The Holocaust

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The Holocaust is a term that refers to the genocide or mass abuse and murder, of approximately 6 million Jewish people who were killed by the Nazi government in Germany and other German occupied territories from 1941 to 1945, during the time of World War II. The term Holocaust is derived from the Greek words holos, meaning whole and kaustos, meaning burnt, and provides an idea of the terrible abuses that the Jewish people were subjected to. The Jewish Hebrew language refers to this episode in history as Shoah, or the catastrophe. Economically, politically, and socially, the U.S. was considered one of the most powerful nations in the world. They were a model of democracy, success, and freedom. After WWI,

America made it clear they didn’t
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During the

Holocaust, the rescue of Jews and all the other people taken was not a top priority for the U.S. The United States failed to act decisively and specifically with regard to victims of the Holocaust. The U.S. didn’t get involved in the Holocaust for the safety of their people. They denied access to all the Jews that wanted to come so they weren’t apart of anything. The Nazi party came to power in Germany in 1933 and believed that Jews, and many other racial groups including Roma people, the mentally disabled, and homosexuals were all inferior or substandard, and these groups were methodically mistreated by the Nazis. However, from 1941 to 1945 the Jewish people were murdered in enormous numbers in what has become known as the Holocaust. Genocide is the killing of a large group of people, but particularly those of an exact ethnic group, religion or nation. Importantly though, the term genocide did not exist before 1944 and it used now to refer to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the group’s entire existence. The genocide was carried out in many phases with the ultimate goal of killing all of the Jews in
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In the United States there is resistance to accepting Syrian refugees, and this is based on political and social forces that are at work. Xenophobia is the term that is used to describe an irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. If we look back in American history, there was an obvious irrational opposition to accepting European Jewish refugees in the 1930’s. Unfortunately, the United States, along with many other nations’ reluctance to accept European Jews had horrific consequences. There are some similarities between the historic European Jewish refugee crisis and the modern-day Syrian refugee crisis and it is important that many Jewish organizations have spoken out about accepting Syrian refugees because it is the Jewish community that probably understands the consequences of inaction better than

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