In the years between 1926 and 1930, the Great Depression took place in 1929, which leads many scholars and historians to believe that the Great Depression brought about a dramatic increase in Nazi membership and helped Hitler rise to power, due to the economic and political impact it brought about. The Wall Street crash had a huge economic impact on the German people as, “Millions were thrown out of work. Thousands of small businesses went under.” (Shirer 119). At the same time of the economic crisis, “[German] Parliamentary government was breaking down…”
In the years between 1926 and 1930, the Great Depression took place in 1929, which leads many scholars and historians to believe that the Great Depression brought about a dramatic increase in Nazi membership and helped Hitler rise to power, due to the economic and political impact it brought about. The Wall Street crash had a huge economic impact on the German people as, “Millions were thrown out of work. Thousands of small businesses went under.” (Shirer 119). At the same time of the economic crisis, “[German] Parliamentary government was breaking down…”