The Gentle Ape Chapter Analysis

Superior Essays
Chapter 10 “The Gentle Ape”, begins with the authors embarking on a new journey, flying into a territory for the first time. The first remark that was made on this small village, Djolu, was the clinic for pregnant women. The author spent a good amount of the first few pages painting a picture for the readers; explaining the airstrips, churches, and plantations, metal roofs, strips of houses and big huts. While the authors are describing this village and its surroundings, the readers may feel a sense of warmth, simplicity and peace. This seems as if the readers are expected to understand paradise, which the book has been pondering and searching for during the majority of the book; which has been stated numerous times that does not exist. But …show more content…
It was found that the skull of a chimpanzee was smaller than the normal skull, in results finding a new form of the chimpanzee. This discovery was the explanation for the bonobos; the closest primate to the Homo sapien. It was also explained in the text that the reason it took this long for bonobos to be found is because they were so similar to chimpanzees. The text then introduces Robert Yerkes to the readers, an author of “The Great Apes and Chimpanzees” and founder of the worlds most important primate research center. It was noted during the studies, the different temperaments between the male and female chimpanzees in this center. Yerkes had a pet of his own, a one of a kind chimpanzee which was questioned of its breed, since it may have been a bonobo. While describing the bonobo, it is said in the text that this strand of chimpanzee is slender, smaller, longer legs and arms, parted hair in the center, with small teeth and mouths, and darker faces. It is noted that these chimpanzees have very distinct and clear differences from all of their primate cousins. The text then begins to explain the life style …show more content…
The documentation tells the readers of an incident between a high ranking female named Aki and her son, and a high ranking male named Ude. The story told is that Aki’s son, due to his age (young adult hood) challenged Ude regularly. One day Aki’s son went too far, charging at Ude, teasing him, removing his club out of the way last minute from Ude. Out of aggravation Ude slapped Aki’s son, before being stopped by the top ranking male. After this Aki’s son charged again, Ude chased but Aki stood his ground. Later Aki joined in to protect her son, while carrying an infant. Aki charged at Ude, dozens of times only to be joined in with other females by supportive calls. Soon after this incident, Ude fled the community. Even ten years after this incident, Ude is still subordinate of Aki’s son. During this story, there was not one incident of major violence, or murder. If this were a story involving chimpanzees, I believe that physical and sexual violence would have taken place, along with a beating that would purposefully end in death. It is also said during this reading on page 206 that the male bonobos are very close with their mothers and that their success relies on their existence and support. The bonobo family is the only primate family where the status of the males is actually helped and supported by their mothers support and status. To me this shows the love and bond that the bonobos feel

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