Adolf Hitler was infamously known for leading the Nazi Party in Germany before and during World War II. The official original name for the Nazi Party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or the NSDAP for short. The party was founded in 1919 by Anton Drexler, who gave it the name German Workers’ Party. Later that year that Hitler went to his first meeting. One year later, in 1920, Hitler changed the name and became the leader of the Nazi Party. “In 1920 Hitler also formulated a 25-point program that became the permanent basis for the party.” This program suggested the need for Germany to disregard the Treaty of …show more content…
He had first started sharing his ideas and views about the current state that Germany was in after he had joined the originally named German Workers’ Party. He was able to capture the audience’s attention during meetings. Although his voice had a rusty sound to in from when he fought in the war, it was full of energy and purpose. Fights between members occasionally broke out over different opinions. Some members would not even take Hitler seriously due to their own judgments of him. These were the members who were shocked to see Hitler demand a role of power when he started the attempted revolution. This failed revolt was called the Beer Hall