Why Is It Ethical To Use Animals In Medical Research

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A highly controversial, and relatively new, argument of utilizing animals in the testing and development of medical research has left scientists in the crossroads on the ethics behind the entire operation. Approximately twenty-six million animals are in the United Stated each year for both scientific and commercial testing, in which these animals are used for a wide range of dangerous procedures. These animals are used for testing the safety of medications for human consumption, determining the toxicity of medical procedures, and ultimately develop stable medical treatments to name a few. Personally, my viewpoint lies in the middle ground as I am both a proponent, from the positive products of research, and opponent, limiting suffering, of using animals in the testing and development of medical research. In this paper, I will be exploring the ethics, regulations, and history behind medical researchers and their experiments on animals. There are a plethora of proponents that would argue that the development of medical research, directly tied with the testing of animals, has boosted our entire human race in the direction of a safer, healthier life. It has been stated that animal testing has enabled the creation of diverse lifesaving treatments for humans and even the very animals being tested. Many proponents …show more content…
Firstly, opponents to this issue will argue that the practice is both unsafe and inhumane to perform experiments on animals. It is argued that the common animals being tested are so different from us biologically that it is completely pointless to perform testing on them; it would be better to not test at all, finding other methods. In some cases, it is proven hat there are alternative methods available to researchers so they can accomplish their experiments without the use of

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