Social Media And Cyber Bullying

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Cyberbullying. Richards et. al. (2015) indicates that cyberbullying is prevalent among social media used by adolescents. Cyberbullying is the deliberate use of technology to communicate false, embarrassing and hostile information about someone (Zhang et. al., 2014). The effects of cyberbullying can be suicide, anxiety and depression. Two studies conducted in Australia and Singapore linked excessive internet use and cyberbullying to suicide (Richards et. al ,2015; O 'Keeffe& Clarke-Pearson,2011). According to Lewis, et. al (2015) study youth with depression are easy targets for bullying. Bullying has evolved from issues that occur at school to issues happening everywhere. Lewis et. al (2015) study stated that the youths in today’s society are …show more content…
Depression may derive from social media. Social media depression is also referred to as Facebook depression (O ' Keeffe, & Clarke-Pearson, 2011; Richards et. al., 2014; Lewis, et al. 2015). Facebook depression is depression that is developed through the excessive use of social media when the individual begins to display classic symptoms of depression (O ' Keeffe, & Clarke-Pearson, 2011). Youth may become depressed when they begin to measure self-worth with social media profiles. Individual begin to perceive that they lack friends, lack of likes for their pictures or they are being bullied. It is imperative for individuals to be around family and friends when they are depressed (Lewis et. al., 2015), reinforcing the notion that family engagement will decrease the chance of individuals being depressed due to social …show more content…
Social media is often used to enhance businesses. Social media is used to advertise, connect, access employment, and communicate with clients and agencies. Social media can be a tool or can hinder businesses from maximizing their success. Social media has the ability to put businesses in jeopardy of compromising their ethical and professional standards. Social media in the workplace for adults may pose the threat of exposing private information about clients and violating HIPPA policies (Hutto, Bell, Farmer, Fausset, Harley, Nguyen, &Fain, 2015). Social media can damage the credibility of a professional through reviews and blogs written by disgruntle employees and angry clients. Often social media is opinion based and may lead to inaccurate information about the company being exposed (Hutto, et al., 2015). Professional use of social media may also have an impact on families. Social media has the ability to keep a professional working excessively, impeding on family time. Social media has allowed professionals to be constantly contacted by their clients which create division among the family.
Parenting. Social media can contribute to how an individual chose to parent their children. Parenting is not an easy task. Prior to social media parents were able to monitor and control who their children engage with and what their children engage in. Findings have it that parents often lack the basic knowledge of using social media which contributes to their hesitation

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