Social Impact – Driverless Cars
Driverless cars will change everything. (2016). Retrieved 2 December 2016, from
Page Deaton, J. & Hall-Geisler, K. (2016). How Driverless Cars Will Work. HowStuffWorks. Retrieved 2 December 2016, from
Driverless cars are currently being developed and are a big step towards to having safer roads and they will give people with disabilities access to be able to travel at free will. To start, the Anti-lock brake, invented in the 1980s, was the first step to creating driverless cars, they gave drivers the ability to activate the brakes without having to repeatedly press the pedal until the vehicle stopped. In 1995, Traction and stability control was created to detect if the car was going to lose control and would overpower the driver and activate the antilock brakes to keep the car on track. Now in the 21st century, cars can anticipate crashes. They can give an alarm to the driver, activate the brakes and prepare for impact by tightening seatbelts and prepare to release airbags if the crash cannot be avoided. Using sensors to detect the area around it, there are cars that exist that can park parallel into available parking spaces. Google have already been using smooth working driverless cars since 2009. After driving over 804, 672 kilometres, Google’s cars have never gotten into a crash. Using a system called LIDAR, it takes over one million measurements using 64 rotating laser beams in space to build a 3D model and using preloaded maps, a GPS, and a camera, the cars are able to navigate around at free will. Using a system like this on a much larger scale would have a huge social impact. They would likely populate Urban areas first and could be used like Taxis instead of everyone owning one. Director-general of French insurer MAIF, Pascal Demurger, predicts that driverless cars would reduce accidents by 90%. To avoid pollution, driverless cars would run on electricity and people would save money since owning a car is expensive. The common problem of congestion in Urban areas would be eliminated because driverless cars would be able to drive in denser pack, they wouldn’t get lost, nor would they have to spend lots of time looking for parking. Driverless cars would rarely need to park and so mass parking areas can be converted into Bike lanes or parks to make use of the new space. Lastly, the elderly, disabled, and teenagers would be able to gain freedom to go where they wish because driverless cars don’t require a qualified driver to move around. Environmental Stewardship and Stability – Computer Radiation Effects of Radiation on the Human Body | Effects of Nuclear Weapons | (2016). Retrieved 2 December 2016, from Is Computer Radiation Damaging Your Health? | EM Watch. (2016). Retrieved 2 December …show more content…
Harsh, cruel, or mean messages are obvious examples of cyberbullying however some less obvious examples can include, posting someone else’s personal information, impersonating someone online, or creating a form of media to hurt or embarrass somebody. According to studies, about 1 in 4 teens are victims of cyberbullying, 1 in 6 have admitted to cyberbullying another person before, and over half of teens have experiences some form of abuse through social or digital media. Victims and bullies are at a greater risk of developing depression, anxiety, and other stress related disorders after severe, frequent or continuous cyberbullying. Both the victim and bullies have a higher risk of developing suicidal thoughts, attempting and completing suicides. Cyberbullies receive punishment from school by getting suspended and getting kicked out of extra-curricular activities. Victims of cyberbullying show signs of being upset when they use their phones or being on the internet, they keep their digital life secret and avoid talking about their internet activities, they don’t like to participate in activities with their friends and avoid family gatherings. The beginnings of cyberbullying effects are visible when the victim’s grades start slipping, they experience changes in their appetite, get mood swings and act out, they start to avoid using computers and cellphones, and they get nervous when they receive messages. Blocking and reporting the bullies are one of the easy ways to resolve any cyberbullying