The Birth Of Venus

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The Birth of Venus is a truly magnificent piece of artwork. It was painted around 1480 with tempera on canvas. This painting was the first large mythological painting since antiquity. Botticelli painted this during the Renaissance era. Here are excerpts from Stanze per la Giostra, by Angelo Poliziano, that are though to be what Botticelli painted his image about. “A young woman with nonhuman countenance, is carried on a conch shell, wafted to shore by playful zephyrs…the Hours (Goddess of the seasons) treading the beach in white garments, the breeze curling their loosened and flowing hair…you could swear that the goddess had emerged from the waves, pressing her hair with her right hand, covering with the other her sweet mound of flesh…she was received in the bosom of the three nymphs (Gods) and cloaked in a …show more content…
She is standing on a seashell almost to the beach where a lady in a white flower dress is waiting to wrap her up in a pink flower dress. The woman on the beach is a Horae (Goddess of seasons). Behind the Horae are trees and more land. On the leaves of the trees and in Venus’s hair, there are traces of gold. In the top left corner of the picture are a couple. The male is Zephyr (God of wind) and the female is Aura (Goddess of breeze). These two nymphs are intertwined and are blowing Venus towards the shore. These nymphs have wings in which they can fly allowing them to blow Venus to shore. Wind is coming out of there mouths. Also, around them are flowers I believe this is because they are a couple. In the bottom left corner of the painting are cattails. This gives detail and perspective to the viewer allowing them to know that the beach is near. In the background there is a lot of land. On the water there are waves that show which way the wind is blowing. There is not much detail in the sky it looks flat. Also, notice that every woman in this painting; their hair is

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