Stanze Per La Giostra Analysis

Improved Essays
Milestone Two Final
Explaining how the theme of beauty is expressed in contemporary ideas and pieces of art, for the final project I will contrast two works of art. Starting with the literary art piece, an epic poem written by Angelo Poliziano, named Stanze per la Giostra, in 1480 Italy. The visual work being a painting by Sandra Botticelli titled The Birth of Venus. Botticelli's The Birth of Venus was painted in approximately 1485 in Italy and it carries an classical style. Using both the visual and literary outlets I will compare the theme with the mood of the works of art. Including cultural influence and the steady connection between Greek and Roman heritage influence. The Italian Renaissance opened the art world up to new ideas of expression,
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The Italian Renaissance is known to be a time accredited to most European success and due cultural change beginning in Italy dated from the early 14th century to the late 16th century (Queller 127). Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian Renaissance polymath, once said “Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen” (Goodreads Inc). A great example to explain the connection between Stanze per la Giostra and The Birth of Venus. The beauty of The Birth of Venus is known to be connected to events depicted in the epic poem created by Poliziano. Many believe that Botticelli got his inspiration for his painting from a portion of Polizianoś poem that speaks directly of the Temple of Venus. Venus was a well known Roman goddess with heighten senses in beauty, love , and sex. The Italian Renaissance bought out an era of success that enlighten many artists, musicians, writers and …show more content…
The Renaissance impact in America achieved another emphasis on humanism and accordingly, a resulting moving in the opposite direction of the overwhelming standards set forth by the congregation (Queller 127). In spite of the fact that religion was still of the best impact all through the time of the Renaissance, the unfolding acknowledgment of human potential and logical request formed the course of Western history does even now impact contemporary American culture today. Standards of authenticity, especially as they showed up as far as workmanship and writing have stayed essential in all parts of American culture and figures, for example, Boccaccio, da Vinci, Machiavelli, and others live on and impact the way we see our reality today (Muir,

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