The three women in elegant poses are called the three Graces. Their poses were very popular in Roman statues, which allowed the viewer to see three different views of a body. The viewer can tell Botticelli 's fascination with Greek gods and Roman style. He incorporates characters such as the three graces, Venus, Mercury, and Apollo that are famous in Greek origin. His style of the figures expressions are similar to the stylistic features of Roman figures. I believe that Botticelli parallels the Greek figures with characters from the bible to create a religious …show more content…
She believes that the artists choose this based off of how they are feeling or what they want to represent. Botticelli secretly wanted to convey religious meaning in a moment of transformation to secular ideas. He used Greek and Roman foundations to cover up the secretive religious meanings in art. This was a deliberate choice of Botticelli, that impacts the way his art is perceived. As some scholars argue, Venus may have referenced the Virgin Mary. There may also have been a linkage of the Virgin Mary to the moon as a reference to heaven on