Congress cannot create any commandments respecting an organization of religion, or segregate the free exercise thereof, or edit the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people serenity to come together, and to go appeal the Government for an equalize of injustice. The Bill of Rights on American political culture has evolved to the point where rights are protected not to associate, which means that the government cannot force citizens to join a group that they do not desire to connect with. A related right is right to petition the government, including everything from signing an appeal to filing a grievance. Society has come a very long way since 1791, when the Bill of Rights had gone into effect. It is impractical to know if we would have had The Bill of Rights today had James Madison lost the congressional election in February of 1789. But there is no disbelief that it was a critical moment in the country’s history, and a person of stupendous capability was there to see that the ten amendments on which so much of our freedom depends on became part of the Constitution. There do not have to be anymore revolutions because citizens can get rights legally …show more content…
Many federal and state laws give additional rights. The best way to protect religious liberty was to keep the administration out of the belief. Keeping the government out of all of the amendments was the key to helping the nation to evolve. Not only does The Bill of Rights on American political culture protect the citizens from government, but it protects the government from being overthrown. The Bill of Rights on American political culture has made a path to where there are options in life. The effects on life are not just made off the United States Constitution; there is a right to privacy and to be free as long as another’s rights are not abused. Citizen rights are valued above those of the government. The Bill of Rights on American political culture has had a major effect on society in various ways and has progressed and evolved over the years. There have been many changes and adjustments involving the government and citizens. Society was privileged to have come upon the Bill of Rights so that there could have been structure and laws that kept society able and to have and make decisions and