American Revolution Goals

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The American Revolution was the most effective in achieving its goals and it was one of the most impactful revolutions. The Americans revolted because of taxation without representation. This includes the stamp act where the Americans had to pay taxes to the British on all foreign goods. They also wanted someone to represent them in parliament so the British don't continue to tax them. Another main reason is that we wanted self government. This was important, because we feared that England was attempting to take away self government. One example is the coercive acts, or the intolerable acts. These acts were meant to punish the Americans for the boston tea party and other protests.The major goals which were stated in the Declaration of Independence …show more content…
One major goal is that government would be instituted among men and the government would need the consent of the people. This goal was achieved, when the Americans created the 3 branches. Everyone within the three branches are elected from the people. So the politicians represent the people and the consent of the people is the ability to vote. Another well known goal in the Declaration of Independence was that all men are created equal. This was achieved but not at first. There was still slavery for close to 100 years until the 13th amendment which outlawed slavery. Then the 14th Amendment stated “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” This means that whoever is born in the United States and if they follow the laws are …show more content…
The bill of rights is a huge part of achieving America’s goals. The bill of rights gave us the freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion. To this day we still have these rights. Everyone has different religions in the united states, everyone is allowed to speak about anything, and people are allowed to write about any news they want. These rights can be revoked if the person takes away another’s rights. We also have the right to bear arms which allows us to keep firearms. There are many more rights and Amendments which were created to insure equality and the power of the people within the Constitution. All this shows that the American Revolution was the most successful in achieving its goals. As well as the most impactful. The Constitution and The Declaration of Independence were the documents that showed the goals of the American Revolution. They also showed how they achieved these goals. The United States of America could not have prevailed without these documents, amendments, and

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