Value Of College Education Essay

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Worth of a College Education
When it comes to college education, most people agree that it’s a step forward to a better life and a career, however people start to disagree when they ask themselves, is it worth the debt? Whereas some people find it as a reasonable investment, and worth while, others maintain the view that college is not for everyone and can lead to more problems. Debt is the ball and chain for many people, they imagine themselves like prisoners dragging their loans wherever they go, and yet that may not be the case. The outcome of higher education can break the chains of this burden in many ways and in some cases it simply has to be put into perspective. University level education is in no doubt very expensive, and tough, therefore we can value the payoff they offer. Although the price of a college education is high, a 4- year degree and education will be needed to support a life in this changing nation.
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Research shows that people with a 4-year degree are paid much more than those without one. Current studies indicate that college graduate makes on average 98 percent more an hour, and in fact it has been the highest in past years, for instance 5 years ago it was 85 percent higher (Leonhardt). When calculated correctly, we see that compared to the minimum wage, college educated individuals are paid much more than those without a degree. In spite of the price to attend college, it is eventually paid of when thought of the new college educated salary. Imagine paying a huge debt with minimum wage, or a blue-collar job is like trying to defeat someone that is bigger and stronger while the student s puny, and weak. Everything comes at ease when put it into perspective, and seen with information that supports

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