Although each person has different amounts of nutrient need depending upon age, weight, level of activity, pregnancy, and so many other components. According to Livestrong, teenage girls need to consume an average of 2,200 calories, and at least six ounces of grain, one and a half cups of fruit, two and a half cups of vegetables, and five ounces of protein daily, regardless of a veterinarian or not. Over time, the nutritional daily needs change drastically, for instance, pregnancy. For a teenage girl of the same age that is pregnant, she will need to consume the same nutrients, but more. A balanced diet needs to include each food group, so a vegetarian must work harder in the meat category and a non vegetarian must work harder in the fruit and vegetable category to have a healthful proportioned …show more content…
You may by wondering if there is a correlation between health diseases and eating habits. Research clearly reveals that there is, indeed, a lower chance for a vegetarian to develop a disease than a non vegetarian. Studies by Claude Chang and Beyme Frentzel showed “vegetarians were about 40% less likely to develop cancer compared to meat eaters”. Likewise a Harvard study “showed that daily meat eaters have approximately three times the colon cancer risk compared to those who rarely eat meat” which runs parallel to M.D. Michael Greger’s opinion that is ”I think the most interesting finding in the new Harvard studies is that…they still found increased mortality risk”. Does that mean meat eaters will get cancer and vegetarians will not? By no means, but trends have proven that a non vegetarian has a greater risk of cancer. Along with cancer, heart disease is also more common among non vegetarians. Vegetarians have a “32% lower heart disease risk than non vegetarians” according to a recent British study. By not eating meat, vegetarians do not consume sodium or saturated fat that can lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are major contributors to heart disease. Furthermore, health disease controls a large role in the desire to diet and live a healthful life, so understanding the risk factors one eating style possesses is vital before changing or maintaining your