Some dogs can live on a vegetarian diet, but most of them cannot, and cats, birds and reptiles need to have a diet based entirely on animal protein (Morrone 1). Vegan parents of animals sometimes try to convert their pets to Veganism because of moral values and health reasons. “I know that you can feed a dog a vegetarian diet but my vet advised me that it was not a good idea” (Morrone 1). When a pet does not receive a proper energy from food and a balanced diet, their performance shows. Pets can show signs of sluggishness and laziness when they do not have enough energy which can show difficulty in basic function, and the care from their owners. Pet owners need to stay away from making their own vegan diets for their pets because if the diet becomes insufficient in nutritional value, it leads to poor reproduction, low immunity, and heart failure (HARWARD 2). A pet could suffer from malnutrition if he or she does not receive the needed nutrients and vitamins in meat based food items. Raising a pet that people eat or even feed to other pets in a manner of dignity costs plenty more than the average person’s budget (Morrone 1). In addition to expensive medical bills, changing a pet’s diet to one without meat stands as a costly decision and usually not affordable for the average pet owner. Transferring a pet from a meat based diet to a plant isolated diet handicaps the parent and the pet based on nutrition and …show more content…
The vegan diet originated from spiritual values, differing than the reasons of present day people. When people make the change from eating meat to eating plants, some diet plans can become insubstantial for nutrient intake. Nutrients like proteins and vitamins convert to energy, but if the body contains less than average values of nutrients, it will produce less energy. Having less energy throughout the day is bad for the body. Some parents of children and pets convert to Veganism, but if their vegan diet pushes onto their loved ones, they can suffer from malnourishment and expensive medical bills in life. Having the right food and nutrients found in meat can lead to a healthy, happy