Temple Grandin Connection To Animals Analysis

Decent Essays
Have you ever one pet you have been so connected to? Well, I know a few people who have like Temple Grandin she had such a strong connection to animals.. but really strong to horses and cows. So, I believe that animals can make a change in our life and they really keep us human.
Temple Grandin and a lot of others really had a strong connection to animals, they all cared about animals and not only keeping them safe but the animals also help the person that needs help actually have fun and enjoy life.. like temple people helped animals be safe and created things to keep them living to keep them going. As used in the story my story, (“Half the horses at the bard had serious psychological problems. But, I didn't understand that as a fourteen year old. My story, 8) not just temple but a lot of others followed in her footsteps.
Also in the story charley, Charley's owner stuck up for charley in a time of need quoted: (“i just have to warn you, he said. I have no doubt your dog has the best of intentions.” Charley, chunk 2 paragraph 7) in this paragraph his owner gives high introns to whether or not his dog will be ok with the bears because the bears are dog friendly but sometimes things happen.
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Us human proves to us that even though people sometimes takes dogs.. and uses them for a good need as stated by this quote..(“dogs first started living with people because people needed dogs and dogs need people. Now dogs still live with people, but people have forgotten how much they need dogs for anything besides love and companion ship.” Dogs make us human paragraph 3.) this quote is saying that even though people really do love having dogs and animals in their life. A lot of other people are growing out of the fact that they need dogs to help keep them living. And to notify them in case of an emergency.. this is why people are become less close to animals and more close to

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