Synthesis Essay On Global Warming And Climate Change

Improved Essays
Research Synthesis Essay
[Global Warming]

Small gaps slowly form in the ozone layer and animals are dying, and those who are still clinging on to life are in danger. These are some of the tragic disasters that Global Warming inflicts upon the world. Global Warming is the warming of the Earth. Sometimes the Earth gets overheated and animals, humans, plants, and ect. die or suffer. This is called Global Warming. As you can see it is a very bad thing and with the help of knowing what we can do to stop it, we can work together to save many lives, and most of all help our Earth! Global Warming is causing many health and environmental problems for the life on the Earth and even for the Earth itself.

There are many causes of Global Warming. According
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According to, Global Warming and Climate Change, many animals die due to the changes in their environment, and may even become extinct. According to, 9 Animals That are Feeling The Impact of Climate Change, one example of the death of animals due to Global Warming, is the rapid speed of the melting ice, which is the main cause of the dramatic drops in the polar bear population. According to, Global Warming and Climate Change, another effect of Global Warming is when temperatures rise, which causes some areas around the world to experience natural disasters such as droughts, heat waves, and wildfires. According to, 5 Ways Climate Change is Affecting Our Ocean, one example of the rising temperatures caused by Global Warming is when coral reef expert, Tom Goreau payed attention to the mass coral dying and found that it was probably caused by the warm temperatures, related to climate change or Global Warming. According to, Global Warming and Climate Change, one last effect of Global Warming is when heat waves caused by Global Warming lead to more deaths due to excessive heat. Changes in the conditions of the air can also harm human health. According to, Rachael Rettner from 5 Ways Climate Change Will Affect Your Health, one example is when heat waves could combine with the development of pollution and cause heart heart problems for human’s health. There are many effects of Global Warming and they are not causing huge problems now, but …show more content…
According to, Water Efficiency Saves Energy, one solution to Global Warming is buying more water efficient appliances. By doing this lots of electricity would be saved and not wasted. According to, offers cash for more-efficient appliances, an obstacle of buying more water efficient appliances is that switching out all of your old appliances with new water efficient appliances could cost a lot of money and take a lot of time. According to, To Stop Global Warming, Change How We Eat?, another solution Global Warming is to reduce the amount of meat that we eat. By reducing the amount of meat that we eat, it reduces the amount of methane and carbon dioxide that is released into the air. According to, The Huge Impact of Giving Up Meat One Meal A Day, an obstacle of reducing the amount of meat that we eat is that 75% of farmers specialize in livestock, which means that they could lose their jobs. According to, Global Warming, one last solution to Global Warming is to use an alternative energy source instead of burning fossil fuels. Some examples of alternative energy sources are hydroelectric power, wind energy, and solar energy. According to, Solar Power May Be Be Difficult To Integrate with Existing Power Networks, an obstacle to alternative energy sources is that the power generated by the PV cells could change to unpredictable environmental factors such as cloud cover and temperatures. There

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