Nurse’s role is to care for the patients, support and recovery them from disease or any medical condition they came with and improving their quality of lives and get them back to community to function as normal. But not always things go smoothly as planed. Nurses work with other multi-disciplinary team to achieve the goal. Nurses encounter loads of ups and downs therefore Nurses have an immense responsibility to recognizing and rescuing the deteriorating patients. It’s a challenging work, which comes with plenty of clinical experiences and great deal of knowledge.…
The MIPS-R contains 180 true and false items used to assess normally functioning adults’ personality. The assessment can be administered and scored either through paper-and-pencil or computer formats. The MIPS-R is measures 24 scales grouped into 12 contrasting pairs, which are organized into three main categories: motivating, thinking, and behaving. The motivating styles include: pleasure-enhancing, pain-avoiding, actively modifying, passively accommodating, self-indulging, and other-nurturing. The thinking styles are the following: externally focused, internally focused, realistic/sensing, imaginative/intuiting, thought-guided, feeling-guided, conservation-seeking, and innovative seeking.…
In his essay “Thought,” Louis H. Sullivan greatly stresses the importance of thinking critically and creatively, and presents the argument that one must think not in words but rather in images, rhythm, and other wordless forms of communication. Sullivan resorts heavily on comparisons and analogies and metaphors to convey the impractical usage of words. “But in passing I may say that real thinking is better done without words than with them, and creative thinking must be done without words,” Sullivan argues, and he goes on to explain the intellectual heft and rigor of thinking creatively and highlights its rewards. Sullivan also asserts that one must think in the present and the present alone, for his reasoning is that “you cannot in the past,…
Context - will that outcome actually maim or kill you? Discuss the likelihood of injury occurring. What is the probability of it happening and what is the probable outcome if it did happen? Reframe - is it failure, or just an unexpected outcome?…
Within the therapeutic process emphasis is placed on developing an effective relationship focused on identifying and solving problems toward positive changes within the client’s thoughts, beliefs, decisions and behaviour that help achieve self-actualisation of their true potential. This includes improving their self-awareness as well as their motivation, self-esteem and confidence in managing to responsibly lead a better way of life and being, with themselves and with others (self-awareness, autonomy and interpersonal effectiveness as a…
Due to this and its very structured and planned system it is seen as a preferred method of counselling in health professions such as the NHS. However, more evidence does not essentially mean that it is a better form of therapy it just means that there is more to back it up. Another strength I feel that it has is that it focuses on the clients own individual thoughts and helps them to discover the misconceptions they are experiencing for themselves rather than someone else doing it for them. A weakness of cognitive therapy I feel is that in some ways it might not be as “in-depth” as some clients might require to deal with their problem(s) or issue(s) is a prosperous way. It also requires the client to be able to think abstractly, this may cause some problems as it means the client needs to be able to think about thinking.…
Storytelling is crucial in an English class and can be incorporated into any novel you read. Analyzing literary devices in Great Expectations eased us into a routine of expressing our opinions of the characters. This assignment was a form of storytelling less obvious than just asking us for our view on the writing. While working on the Importance of Being Earnest, our assignment was to share a story of our opinions on each act. Responding to everyone else’s reactions on the act habituated us into sharing our arguments and agreements with each other.…
The Mind at Work, written by Mike Rose is a story about day-to-day jobs that people partake in for a living, his main purpose of this story was to make people aware of the need to take notice of forms of intelligence that have not been tested through IQ tests and bring various things together like how the brain and hand can not be separated, they work dynamically. In this essay, I will go over the key points that I thought Rose wanted his readers to understand also, what I disagree with and agree with and also how the hand and brain work together. I found that the first couple of chapters in the book went over the key points rather than the last couple of chapters, Rose explains that all work has some sort of skill required to do the job…
The purpose of the cognitive restructuring theory is to identify as well as correct negative thinking patterns. This technique is used to alter negative automatic thoughts which may occur in an anxiety- provoking situation when someone feels that someone is thinking negative of them. Now the way this is done is by putting rational thoughts or beliefs within the person in order to make them think differently about the situation. Therefore, it helps them to handle their daily life and deal with all of their day to day issues such as anger, stress and anxiety. Furthermore, it helps them with their interpretation of the world around them and lives a productive life.…
Pfeffer talked about how we think the world is just a place meaning thinking is if we do everything good and behave everything will work out for us. However it isn’t true which can be scary. In the real world things are not always fair. Power does fall into one’s lap, you have to work on it. You can obtain power by making the first move.…
7) I provide accurate information about confidentiality and its limits? I as the counsellor provided knowledge about relative confidentiality and the legal requirement of breaking confidentiality in areas of harm to self or others. I sought confirmation of understanding by asking client if they understood or had any questions regarding the matter to clarify any misunderstandings or confusion. To correct/improve I also would have took a few more minutes to explain further about confidentiality and provided more knowledge that information could also be shared if consent was given, or is court mandated to release records, or if child abuse or neglect was a concern. To further ensure client was fully informed I would of shared with them that the Winnipeg resource center does keep records in regards to drop in sessions.…
While both the Extended Short Course Essay and the Think Piece have their own respective advantages and disadvantages, I found that the Think Piece was more enjoyable to write. The biggest similarity between the Extended Short Course Essay and the Think Piece is the content. While the language, voice, and discourse varied between the pieces, the points that I made were relatively the same in both of the pieces. In both of the Extended Short Course Essay and the Think Piece I supported my points by using evidence that can be seen through specific TV shows. I still had to guide the audience through my thought processes in both of the pieces, so the usual conventions of writing stayed the same between the Extended Short Course Essay and the Think…
Lead effective workplace relationships Assessment Task 2: Project Part A Agenda Template To:;;; From:; Subject: Recent customer service issues within Cricket Equip Date: 23.05.2016 Meeting topics to be discussed: 1. Meeting introduction and welcome.…
This time gave me an opportunity to undertake reflective listening through active listening which according to Rogers (1975) in his “client-centered” therapy argues that it encourages the client to share the information in more depth than if I was only asking directive questions. This enabled me to gain information when the client brought out the underlying issues including those that I had not thought about. The active listening also improved my relationship with the client since I was able to express acceptance by avoiding any expression of disagreement or judgement thus making him open up and also trust me as his couselor. This method also left me with enough time to explore and diagnose the issue thus noting the new ways of approach to the…
This allows individuals to express their views and increase their self-esteem and confidence and ensure them that they are not different from everyone else and are able to have full access of the opportunities, and to have the right to make mistakes and take risks. Practitioners are guaranteed to use their sympathy and communication skills effectively to ensure that they listen and engage with the individuals, hear what their trying to say, and develop and adapt on their working practices to meet their needs and…