D1: Give examples of Creative Activities:
• Social: Drama
• Emotional: Story Telling
• Cognitive: Puzzles, Art
• Physical: Dancing, Running, Walking, Yoga
• Development: Quiz
• Group: Playing chess, Card games
• Individual: Cooking,
D2: Describe the purpose of Creative Activities:
Creative activities provide opportunities to develop personal strengths, sense of control and purpose to connect to others in a meaningful type of way, such as being imaginative and artistic which explores the individual’s thoughts and emotions in just a piece of art. Being creative can motivate and stimulate minds and release stress and is very therapeutic if you concentrate.
C1: Outline 2 pieces of legislation, policies, procedures or codes of practise in relation to planning and implementing creative activities:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 prepares the responsibilities of everyone for maintaining their own and others’ health and safety at work. This allows employers to undertake, risk assessments, provide health and safety training, have reporting procedures for illness, injuries and incidents and on employees to attend health and …show more content…
This allows individuals to express their views and increase their self-esteem and confidence and ensure them that they are not different from everyone else and are able to have full access of the opportunities, and to have the right to make mistakes and take risks. Practitioners are guaranteed to use their sympathy and communication skills effectively to ensure that they listen and engage with the individuals, hear what their trying to say, and develop and adapt on their working practices to meet their needs and