Everyone in a school environment plays their part in ensuring that children and young people are protected from harm and every child has the right to feel and be safe in their learning environment. Parent/carers entrust their children to the care of a school and should leave their children feeling confident that they are with competent adults who will keep their children safe and protected from harm.
A childâ€TMs surroundings should be free from danger, and one way to achieve this is by ensuring all equipment and activities are safe, implementing risk assessments where appropriate. If a child learns and plays safely, this will make the child feel safe and ensure that there is minimal distraction from their learning. Children may feel unsafe at school as they have had negative experiences in their home life and find it difficult to trust. Adults in a school environment have a responsibility to understand a childâ€TMs needs, identifying children who are or have been at risk of harm or subjected to neglect and to provide extra support to children to help them feel, and be safe. Children should be safe from bullies, and no child should be subjected to physical and emotional harm, this type of persistent behaviour can be isolating and humiliating for the victim. The consequence of children not being protected from harm at school could be; • Children taking unnecessary time off school due to harm or a stress related illness. • Children not learning effectively due to lack of concentration which may be caused by worry. • Children who are unable to develop their social skills due to poor self-esteem • Children becoming withdrawn or display disruptive behaviour. In a safe environment children will come to school every day to develop their academic and social skills, to build trusting relationships and will gain confidence and self-esteem. …show more content…
All of these skills will enable children to thrive in their environment, this will provide the positive foundation that they need to progress through their school years and into adulthood
Question: Question 11
Answer: Question 11
Explain policies and procedures that are in place to protect children, young people and adults who work with them.
All schools have policies and procedures that all staff are required to read, understand and adhere to in order to protect children and also themselves from harm.
Children, young people and adults should be safe from risk of harm and this can be achieved by procedures such as: b
Health and Safety regulations
A schools Health and safety regulations should follow the standards of legislation such as The Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. These ensure the safety of Adults and children alike. They state that all employees have the responsibility to maintain health and safety by, †̃taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of any person who might be affected by their acts or omissions at work.â€TM This can be achieved in many ways including making sure that, all tools and equipment are safe, by ensuring protective clothing is worn were necessary, by reporting any hazards or accidents and by simply following hygiene routines. Safety Checks All Staff should also know what do in the event of any other type of emergency, such as where the first aid box is. All staff should be very clear of what to do in event of a fire, for instance knowing where the fire extinguishers and fire exits are and very importantly by knowing the procedure in order to get the children out of the building in a safe and organised manner. Safe recruiting Keeping Children Safe in Education document states that, †̃It is vital that schools and colleges create a culture of safe recruitment and provides detailed information on the type of DBS certificate that is required.â€TM All staff employed must be subjected to a DBS check to ensure that there have been no previous concerns with regard to their suitability to working with children. Whistleblowing is when a member of staff genuinely feels that