Like with quality reading, quality writing is the activity of being alone, but with the exception of reading words, one must pick out words, choosing the very best to jot down on the page. The inspiration varies with each writer, even if the writer is not fully aware that he is in fact a writer, but the inspiration is the same for the artist, for the musician, the architect, and the sculptor. When one writes, they are not only expressing themselves (and, if they like to write, expressing themselves in the purest way they deem possible), they are also creating something, whether they are conscious of this or not, because the formation of words, the development of sentences, and the structuralizing of anything written takes a considerable amount of effort, discipline, thought and creativity—no matter what the finished written work is. In other words, to write means to think and to think means to have thought, which Sullivan actually affirms when he says, “you cannot create unless you think, and you cannot truly think without creating thought.” So, in another instance of using Sullivan’s own argument against him, writing is a slow activity not because the mind is going too fast but because the mind is disciplining itself by gathering its thoughts and translating them into readable
Like with quality reading, quality writing is the activity of being alone, but with the exception of reading words, one must pick out words, choosing the very best to jot down on the page. The inspiration varies with each writer, even if the writer is not fully aware that he is in fact a writer, but the inspiration is the same for the artist, for the musician, the architect, and the sculptor. When one writes, they are not only expressing themselves (and, if they like to write, expressing themselves in the purest way they deem possible), they are also creating something, whether they are conscious of this or not, because the formation of words, the development of sentences, and the structuralizing of anything written takes a considerable amount of effort, discipline, thought and creativity—no matter what the finished written work is. In other words, to write means to think and to think means to have thought, which Sullivan actually affirms when he says, “you cannot create unless you think, and you cannot truly think without creating thought.” So, in another instance of using Sullivan’s own argument against him, writing is a slow activity not because the mind is going too fast but because the mind is disciplining itself by gathering its thoughts and translating them into readable