With his vicious attack on the British crown, the great philosopher and immigrant, argues in favor of American Independence from England based on four assumptions about politics and society. These assumptions are as follows: hereditary monarchy is over, people are born citizens and not subjects, people are born with the same equal rights, and the role of government should be limited. Through his literature, Pain appeals to American’s religious beliefs by using biblical stories as a reference. He describes the Jewish people’s plea for a king, when they called on God and he unhappily complied. However, the king became corrupt and despotic and guided them into wars for his own interest. As such, since the British crown became abusive and despotic, Pain justifies the separation from the crown due to their own
With his vicious attack on the British crown, the great philosopher and immigrant, argues in favor of American Independence from England based on four assumptions about politics and society. These assumptions are as follows: hereditary monarchy is over, people are born citizens and not subjects, people are born with the same equal rights, and the role of government should be limited. Through his literature, Pain appeals to American’s religious beliefs by using biblical stories as a reference. He describes the Jewish people’s plea for a king, when they called on God and he unhappily complied. However, the king became corrupt and despotic and guided them into wars for his own interest. As such, since the British crown became abusive and despotic, Pain justifies the separation from the crown due to their own