The paper reviews Title IX law that protects transgender people using the restroom of the gender they identify as. Over the years the people of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community have been given many rights, as they should. But in the most recent lawmakers’ results of the Title IX law, the nation as a whole conforming to the abruptly forced change. Revising the federal law, Title IX for clarity in the context that states the situations of restrooms being gender specific is imperative. Dozens of cases have been filed by transgender people, who want to use the restroom of their choice in schools and workplaces.…
Therefore the erasure and imposed invisibility of the transgender community can be attribute to a variety of individuals and communities. This is so due to the prejudices against intersections of identities such as race, class, and refusal to adhere to strict assumptions of what gender is meant to look and act like. [Next Body Paragraph: I will discuss the topic of transgender visibility and how transgender people are talked about/not talked about. I will be using a source from 1969 from the village voice from two reporters: one inside and one outside and another source by Emylia Terry, “An Exclusionary Revolution: Marginalization and Representation of Trans Women in Print…
In Kristen Schilt’s Just One of the Guys?: Transgender Men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality, various difficulties faced by the population of transgender individuals in America are discussed. Interestingly, Schilt’s findings revealed that transwomen tend to experience these issues more frequently than transmen. This occurrence provides insight into gender inequality as well as unfair treatment of women in America, regardless if the individual is transgender. In Erik Olin Wright and Joel Rodgers’s American Society: how it actually works, the evolution of women’s rights throughout American history is thoroughly examined.…
Transgender Being transgender is when a person’s gender identity does not conform with their biological sex. Speculating on how people are identifying as a transgender individual is a difficult and very controversial topic to discuss due to the fact that nobody knows what is morally correct. One author, Ruth Padawer, has brought the topic to light, presenting us with examples from one of the most prestigious women’s colleges in the United States. In her 2014 piece, “Sisterhood is Complicated”, she ponders on the idea of if people who identify as transgender should be permitted to attend an all women’s college. In her piece, she states that, “Some two dozen other matriculating students at Wellesley don’t identify as women.…
Caitlyn Jenner herself was quoted saying that “the hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear.” Many consider it stunning progress that we have successfully integrated transgender women into the pages of our largest magazines and onto our television screens. However, an identity for transgender women was never established outside of the traditional female archetypes that support the perpetuation of Capitalism. Dozens of transgender women, especially transgender women of color, have been murdered in the past year.…
this is when I started to see where the transphobia was coming from. All it took was one man who disagreed with anti-bias laws meant to protect minorities to snowball out of control to the point where he got what he wanted, a proposed piece of legislation saying “people must use the bathroom assigned to their "biological sex," which is to say the gender on their birth certificates.” it saddens me so much reading this articles know that it was just one person who put all of us, trans people of Texas, in such an awful situation. Moving onto Josh Kenworthy article I learned…
The term “trans” has been a poorly explained throughout history due to “studies” claiming that mental diseases were the explanation of trans behaviors. Sandy Stone attempts to change the way trans are perceived by writing a manifesto. She also uses a few examples of real people along with addressing Janice Raymond. Ultimately, Stones manifesto forever changes the view of trans in society, but at what cost?…
The hype on Caitlyn Jenner’s transition has dimmed since her interview with Diane Sawyer and her Vanity Fair cover, but on September 25th it is legally documented that she is Caitlyn and a woman. Caitlyn is placed on a pedestal by her popularity on the Kardashians and her being an Olympic winner, and it seems unfair to the Trans community because of how Caitlyn Jenner knows so little. Her status also has helped her move through this process, not smoothly, but not as bumpy as most in the Trans or gender minority community. Laverne Cox another celebrity, who has become another face of the Trans community, lived in Alabama and she didn’t have the support of family like Jenner. She was bullied in school for being different and so pressured into being ‘normal’ that she tried to commit suicide (Breen 2014).…
Those unprivileged, transgendered people, are further negatively affected and susceptible to violence by those with power. Additionally, “5 Times Transgender Men Abused Women and Children in the Bathroom” which clearly agrees with North Carolina’s decision, and “This is Not about Jim Crow,” which does not think this issue is that important and criticizes the federal government, are all operating under privilege because writers Amanda Prestigiacomo and David Harsanyi are not transgender. Their views are formed without the experience of facing oppression that a law like this creates. While in some…
In Dean Spade’s book Normal Life, healthcare justice and systemic issues regarding gendered treatment and access to healthcare are discussed in depth, with a focus specifically on the effects of injustice and inaccessibility to transgender and intersex individuals. Normal Life was extremely personal in terms of the subject matter, which made it difficult to read through; however, I found myself nodding along as he outlined and went into detail on the various mechanisms surrounding the discrimination of people like me. The actions being made currently by neoliberal social and political movements are not enough to achieve the goals that trans political activists strive for, nor do they make much progress in doing so. However, they are much more…
“Transgender People in The Media” When thinking about gender and the media, I am immediately drawn to the work of Laverne Cox. As stated in “Bell Hooks: A Conversation with Laverne Cox,” Laverne is an award-winning actress, producer and advocate for not only transgender women, but women of color and anyone who goes against the status quo. For my main source, I have chosen to use the dialogue from the inaugural talk with Bell Hooks and Laverne Cox at The Bell Hooks Institute, “a new center in Berea (Kentucky) dedicated to critical thinking and contemplating the intersectional issues of race, gender, and class” (Hooks 25). This talk that occurred in 2015, highlights what Laverne hopes to accomplish through playing different roles on camera and…
8 Review: Chapter 8 in Explorations in Privilege, Oppression, and Diversity shares the story of Allison Cashwell and how being friends with a lesbian women has affected her. She shared the fear that she held after Ordinance 22, a bill that prohibit others to discriminate others based on their sexual orientation. The bill was not passed, and therefore Cashwell’s friends lived their lived in fear. Reflection: No one should have to live their life in fear of what might happen to them because their sexual orientation is homosexual.…
The transgender community has been constantly fighting for equal rights. The Texas Senate is making their fight for equal rights more challenging by passing the anti-transgender bathroom bill. The anti-transgender bathroom bill contributes to the stigmatization and marginalization of a group that already faces significant discrimination. A study was done on people who identify as transgender in the Texas area. They found that 28% of respondents reported they were denied access to a restroom.…
I am fortunate enough to be apart of this time period. As I am a part of the generations that benefit from the hard work that deadicated people have fought for, and the many things that are now legally acceptable. Although this is true, there are still things to fight for and accomplishments made every day. These accomplishments take strong, courageous people, who want to change the world for a better place and fight for what is right. I personally find Danica Roem, to be the most inspiring of these people, as she is the first openly transgender person to be elected and seated in the U.S. state legislature.…
Transgenders face discrimination in many aspects of society in everyday life, law, and employment. There are many violent encounters faced by transgenders for example, in the past year “102 transgender people were murdered in 12 countries” simply because they were openly transgender (Machlitt). Transgenders also deal with wrongful incarceration; one of the biggest issues is being convicted for “manifesting” prostitution, which is if “somebody in public manifests an internet to commit or solicit an act of prostitution” (Machlitt). Laverne Cox once said that “[the ‘manifesting prostitution’ law] basically means that as a trans women of colour walking in a certain neighborhood, you can be arrested for prostitution.” However, the most prominent issues faced by transgenders is employment, “47 percent of transgender people report they were fired, not advanced, or not hired due to their gender identity” (Machlitt).…