Dozens of transgender women, especially transgender women of color, have been murdered in the past year. Not only is this because widespread acceptance still hasn’t been achieved, but it is also the result of a very specific image being projected onto the transgender community. “I Am Cait” reflects a decidedly heternormative …show more content…
In order to gain equality, a new social movement must either become part of the existing Capitalist sphere, or fail to find “naturality.” Ironically, the system that defines the acceptability of these new movements is quite possibly entirely unnatural, yet this does not negate the reality: Capitalism holds a monotony over social identity, and therefore progress made is only progress in relation to traditional Capitalism. Subsequently, there will never be a moment of genuine social transcendence until a separation from Capitalism is …show more content…
This is Moses and the Prophets!”(Marx 418) When Marx spoke of the base nature of Capitalism, he spoke of accumulation. Federici scrutinizes the Marxist interpretation of this process, noting that primitive accumulation involved not only the attaining of wealth and labor, but also the creating of hierarchies based on gender. These “hierarchies built upon gender, as well as ‘race’ and age, become constitutive of class rule, and the formation of the modern proletariat.”(Federici 63) When these hierarchies, which for decade after decade were sustained by the continuation of Capitalism, were questioned by the social revolutions of later decades, Capitalism was forced to evolve into its most modern form: a system of compartmentalization that utilizes the same traditional elements of suppression, but reconfigures itself in response to social pressure (without sacrificing profitability). Capitalism is so deeply engrained within what we now define as normality that it cannot be challenged even when social and cultural stereotypes are upheaved. Although society’s awareness of this systematic inequality is increasing (it cannot be denied that discussions about Capitalism’s insidious nature are being had at the highest levels—look, for example, at Bernie Sanders) the disparities augmented by Capitalism are so fundamental to our basic operation as a nation that legitimate change is infeasible, at least, in the near future. Capitalism as it exists today is a