According to an Opinion article written for The Washington Post, the state of North Carolina has been in constant uproar over a recently passed bill, called the HB2 Bill, or Bathroom Bill. Directly pointed at transgender people, the HB2 bill states that a person must use the bathroom assigned to the gender that was given to them at birth. The article was written to discuss how people are reacting against the bill and explains what the bill does. “Many bad deeds go unpunished, but not this one.” But, how exactly is the bill unfair to transgender people? The bills purpose is aimed to protect the well-being of men and women who identify cis-gendered, or people with the gender assigned to them at birth, more comfortable. This keeps transgender people out of the bathroom that they identify with. It has made cis-gendered more comfortable to use public restrooms. Fathers are not comfortable with a woman who used to be a man, in the bathroom with their daughters and the same applies for mothers with sons. The people who felt this way towards the transgender community were the main ones who supported this bill and made sure it was enacted. This bill puts transgender people out in the open though. If a person has had gender correction surgery, you could never tell that the person used to be the opposite sex. So, it would be like putting a woman, with breasts and female genitals, into a men’s bathroom. The transgender community …show more content…
The state has already seen how horrible the new Bathroom Bill has been for North Carolina, and with riots in major cities such as Charlotte, Raleigh and Chapel Hill they are doing what they can to rectify the situation. The governor has already placed an order for the bill to go back to court to be argued against its validity. North Carolina is home to some of the best colleges in the United States and some of the most famous government wildlife parks and mountain ranges, the state used to be known for its beauty, but now it is known for its hard-right politics and hatred of certain groups of