One of the objectives of Composition II is learning when and how to cite information correctly in order to give credit where credit is due. This is something that many beginning writers struggle with and the syllabus was designed to make certain that students know that citing sources is necessary and required in college essays. However, when instructed to write a summary of a specific source for a specific course, citations are usually not needed. In this case, the assignment instructed students to not cite the source as this is the first assignment of the course and citations are not covered until week 2.
Summaries require attention to detail and typically, a thesaurus. While a summary of the first paragraph could have been written without repeating any of the larger words used by Dailey (excluding articles and prepositions), it is not entirely necessary for a summary.
If I were to attempt to summarize the paragraph without repeating words, then I would have changed “friend” to “acquaintance” or “classmate” – “death” to “tragedy” – “personal” to “private” or “family matter” – etc. Additionally, using the word Facebook in a summary is not claiming the author’s words or ideas as your own (which is what plagiarizing means) because Facebook is the name of a specific …show more content…
Daily explains that after college graduation, she interacted with “Sue” by way of Facebook, and learned about the woman’s day-to-day life, including situations involving her family. Daily was startled to read the public announcement of a private tragedy, and then regretted her reaction because she did not want to be the judge of the depth of any person’s loss, certainly not the loss of