The wounds went through his palms coupled with the gashes on his sides made him appear with much likeness to Jesus during his crucifixion. “Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water” Jesus was crucified on the cross and he was stabbed in the left and right hands as well as his feet. The difference being that he knew that God the Father sent him to die for everyone’s sins. “Jesus said, reach out and touch me. See punctures in my hands; and put it in my side; leave behind your faithlessness and believe.”…
Christ Figures are often used in many pieces of literature to depict the biblical character of Jesus into the works. Finny, from A Separate Peace, McMurphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest and luke from Cool Hand Luke are all classic examples of characters that portray the archetype of a Christ Figure. These Christ figures are all martyrs who have taken on an ultimate sacrifice for the betterment and greater good of others. A Separate Peace is a novel that ventures through the lives of Finny and Gene, two friends at a boarding school, and their friendship, club and issues along the way. Finny, from A Separate Peace took over the role of a Christ Figure from the beginning.…
Cool Hand Luke: the act of conforming outside of society to create a persona of an outlaw. Starring academy award winning Paul Newman, Cool Hand Luke starts off by setting the tone for the entire movie. Luke Jackson, was arrested for destroying municipal property while under the influence of alcohol. This lead him to be sentenced two years in a road prison, in a chain gang. Many argue that his sentence was worse then his minor offence.…
Cool Hand Luke is about a troubled war veteran, Luke Jackson, who protested to any rules or authority. The movie is centered around his need to fight against conformity with a juxtaposition to the other characters who are obedient to authority and conform to the prison rules. Luke reflects non-conformity in his ways to tease the authorities and will not take any advice from the other prisoners. Conformity is expressed through the prison guards clothing, and the prisoner’s actions. Obedience to authority is seen through Dragline – Luke’s right hand man – who believes following rules will lead to a positive outcome.…
The crowded setting around Jesus suggests all those who believed in Christ, and followed Him. This whole scene shows the Savior’s willingness to serve, and do His father’s will, and to show man the glories of His father. Bloch simply wanted to make a beautiful story come to life in a sense. I believe the message of this artwork is simple, it beckons for us to come unto Christ, follow Him, and be healed. This painting shows Christ’s compassion, and His power, and leaves the viewer feeling hope, and feeling reassured that all things are possible through Him.…
Writing about Jesus’ crucifixion, she highlights the characters’ emotions. With small details, she adds to the story so children can understand the feelings of Jesus, like his grief on the cross when he says, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46). Keeping these things accurate, she stays close to the Biblical account. And she does not lose sight of the original meaning of the passage.…
At the beginning of the film, Luke is shown cutting heads off of parking meters, which is an act that deviates from the societal norm. Through the act of destroying public property, Luke establishes his need to stray from accepted rules and regulations. His behaviour is deviant as he fails to conform to the laws set by society, and is labelled as an outsider from the very first scene as he is arrested for his actions. In fact, the prison itself is a home to individuals who refuse to partake in 'normal ' actions. Luke 's three attempts to escape also demonstrates his defiance to the rules established by the prison.…
Luke is struck with boredom for most of his deployment, causing him to believe the army didn’t do a thing for him and he would just go live his old boring life back at home. However, on the last day, Luke goes to the top of the hill by himself and thinks he sees an enemy. Luke decides to watch him through the scope of the gun, but as Luke becomes indecisive, he shoots and kills an unarmed man who is accompanied by his son. He wants to help the child move the unarmed man, but instead, shoots the child too, then goes down the hill and flies back home from his deployment as if nothing ever happened. When a person allows the pressure of satisfying others, boredom, and unpleasant memories to affect their decision-making, it can lead a person to disconnect from the reality of life.…
Academic Essay Finding a poem that multiple readers can connect with can be a difficult task. Not everyone is love and not everyone has been heart broken. Philip Dacey’s poems have a relatability to multiple people and often have a message to get across to his readers. From poems about crucifix factories to bull riding, Philip Dacey has found a way to connect with his readers.…
In this art piece, I believe Cox is attempting to protest the misrepresented points in the portrayal of religious figures in common religious murals. Additionally, while the body and figure of Jesus is turned into subject via absence, that of Cox is now the main subject via presence. She is utilizing her body as the expressive instrument in this piece, which she modifies to the innovative and critical…
The Broader Context: The Gospel of Luke In order to best understand how to properly interpret Luke 16:1-13, it is best to first read the passage in light of its surrounding context—the entire book of Luke. In his introduction, Luke clearly states his purpose in writing this gospel: “so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught,” (Luke 1:4). This is Luke 's purpose statement, but what is the truth the Luke is trying to demonstrate? The main theme Luke wants to convey, this “exact truth,” in his gospel is that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messianic Servant to all humankind.…
Luke was lost without his family, and desperately needed someone or something to inspire…
The film analyzes the beginning of Christianity, giving an overview of the lives of key figures, particularly Jesus and Paul, focusing on the historical context rather than the legitimacy of the miracles supposedly performed through these people. Proving or disproving whether Jesus existed or whether he performed or endured the actions for which he has become famous is not the focus of the film but, instead, his social status is the main subject of question, for example, whether or not he was a poor carpenter who lived in a community isolated from urban culture, and whether or not his crucifixion was a spectacle witnessed by a large multitude. The film also analyzes the demographic composition and the social context of the early Christian movement.…
The stories of Jesus are represented through the four New Testament Gospels: Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. Each Gospel emphasizes on particular principles that represent Jesus differently. Jesus is seen as the suffering Messiah in all four Gospels, but each Evangelist puts in his own intake, hence expanding on the original Markan portrait of Jesus. The writers of the Gospels give their own theological assertions, and understandings, which in effect creates a new portrait of Jesus for each Gospel. The Gospel portraits vary and represent a different and evolving view of Jesus’, stories, and traditions over time.…
Throughout the years the “Passion of the Christ” movies have been used to tell the story about Christ’s death and resurrection. Then in 2004 Mel Gibson made his version of the movie and as I like to say brought it in to the 21st century with updated graphics, violence, and blood. The combination of images, faith, and history this film truly was like no other Passion of Christ movie ever done. The Passion of the Christ is a serious and deep piece of cinematography, it not just show us how much pain one man went through for us but it celebrates for the unbeliever the triumph of humanity over an absolute brutality and through this movie for all the believers of the Christian faith this movie has become a powerful reminder that we still need to…