In the Gospel of Mark Jesus is represented as the suffering Messiah where the story was primarily known by word of mouth. Hence Marks narrative is predominantly oral culture (JGA, 58). The gospel of Mark is the first written narrative on the life of Jesus to ever exist. Marks story contains about eighty-eight verses that emphasize the passion or suffering and death of Jesus (JGA, 59). Mark discuses impending death: after Jesus healed a man’s withered hand, “The Pharisees went out and immediately took counsel with the Herodians against him to put him to death” (Mark 3:6). This characterizes one of the Passion narratives. In Mark the author never clearly identifies himself his writing emphasizes that he has knowledge on the Jewish, Greek, and Roman cultures (JGA 62). The Gospel describes Jesus as the Jewish Messiah and the Son of God. The time frame for Mark is about 66-73 CE, during the first Jewish revolt against Rome (JGA, 63). Mark incorporates a string of controversy stories, the series of parables in 4:1-3:4, a collection of miracle stories associated with the sea of Galilee, and the eschatological discourse, as well as the passion narrative are all examples of written sources that Mark may have used to incorporate into the Gospel. Marks audience was likely a mix of Jews and Gentiles and the place of composition is possibly Rome (JGA, 64). Marks narrative does …show more content…
“The announcement of the birth of this newborn king of the Jews greatly troubles not only King Herod but all Jerusalem” (Matthew 2:1-3), yet the Gentile Maji are overjoyed to find him and offer him their homage and gifts (Matthew 2:10-11). This explains how the ultimate rejection Jesus faces from his own people but gains acceptance from the Gentile nations. Jesus must escape the murderous plans of Herod and escape to Egypt where he will relive the Exodus experience in Israel. The angel of the lord appeared in Josephs dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt and stay there until I tell you (Matthew 2:13). Biblical traditions regarding Moses are applied to young Jesus. They flee to Egypt to seek refuge from the King Herod who feels threatened by Jesus. Matthew also helps build the idea that Jesus is the new Moses by informing its audience about stories regarding the birth and infancy of Jesus. The birth of Jesus is parallel two major figures that are prevalent in the Jewish scriptures: Moses and Joseph (JGA, 100). Events in Jesus’s life like the flight to Egypt, the massacre of infants, and the return to Galilee are parallel to the birth of Moses found in the Exodus (JGA, 100). In Egypt Jesus represents himself as the new Moses in the Sermon on the Mount. He goes up the mountain sits and his disciples come to him. He teaches them, “Blessed are the merciful for they